8 Incredible Habits To Be Among The Happiest People In The World
This post was last updated on August 8th, 2023
All of us have to go through our share of struggles in life and we direct all our efforts and energy to find happiness in life. Life is nothing if we have an expensive car, a big mansion, lots of money in bank accounts and other materialistic goods but don’t have happiness. A person can be happy living in a small hut and owning none of the worldly desires if he believes in the great saying by Dale Carnegie that states, ”Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude”.
Ask yourself, if you are able to distinguish between a happy person and an unhappy person? If yes, then how do you measure that? There is a very simple parameter called a person’s routine or habits, which showcases his/ her happiness quotient. There are numerous traits of a happy person and an unhappy person and if we closely observe them, then we would get to know what are the daily habits of happy people that are making them even happier.
If you too want to know how to remain happy without getting influenced by any external factor, then you need to read these 8 incredible habits to be among the happiest people in the world:
1. They Know What They Want To Do
It has been said that happy people are those people who have clear set of ideologies in life. They are not confused while taking decisions because they clearly know if they are capable enough to pull the job well or not. They know that they can’t say yes to every incoming work as this may be detrimental for their well being. They believe in helping others but they know their limits. They know that if they keep on saying yes to every work, then they somehow lose respect for themselves. Therefore, they know the right time to say no to people so that they don’t become unhappy and at the same they will save the efficiency of the job from getting affected by their mindset.
2. They Are Empathetic & Try To Help Others
Happy people are great at understanding the situation of other people. It is their quest to happiness that has made them empathetic and they are not selfish to be happy in circumstances that benefit them only. In fact, they are so expert in finding happiness that they feel happy in helping others. They don’t seek happiness in seeing people getting devastated or seeing other people facing failures in life. They actually believe in sharing happiness with others by helping them to be happy in their lives. They have happiness ingrained in their attitude.
3. They Enjoy Their Present
As we are modernising, it has been found that people are getting too ambitious that they are working in day and night to secure their future. They are risking their health, family and even time by struggling for attaining their materialistic dreams. Since future is unpredictable, happy people know that working hard is essential up to some extent but not at the cost of sacrificing present happiness. Happy people understand that it is possible to enjoy the present while working for the future but it is impossible to be happy in present if you give importance only to your future.
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4. They Spend Time With Their Family
Who stands by you when you face tough times in your life? None of your boss, colleagues or peers. It is your family who is there with you to enjoy all happy moments and to share all your difficulties. Despite being busy in earning bread for them, happy people ensure that they don’t ruin their family life by sacrificing the time allotted for them. They might have meagre means to live life but they manage with them just because of each other’s support. It is always said that it is a rough patch that helps to know your bonding with your family and therefore, you must give your family the priority in life.
5. They Know Their Family’s Needs & Work For Their Fulfilment
One of the most notable features of happy people is that they always have their families on their mind. They clearly take note of their family’s needs and strive hard to fulfil them so that they can pile up many happy moments in life. For some people, having dinner is a part of routine but for some people it is their profound luck to have a dinner. Imagine the kind of happiness they must have felt in eating a dinner once in a blue moon. When you tend to find happiness in small things along with your loved ones, then it is impossible to measure that kind of humongous happiness.
6. They Don’t Complain
If you think that you are not happy, then one of the major reasons for it is your habit of complaining. There are numerous people who seem to wake up everyday to complain about everything they see. Such people can never be happy even if they have all the worldly goods and a good family. If you ditch the habit of complaining, then you will certainly find happiness even from little things in life. This is the essence of happy people to find happiness by appreciating everything that comes their way.
7. They Cherish Their Dreams
Happy people believe that the reason you wake up in the morning should be your dream. You must be enthusiastic to start a new day to chase your dreams for yourself and your family. Life is aimless without dreams. You need to have dreams to keep your zeal ignited and when you start working on it to derive happiness from it, then your every step in the direction will fill you with happiness. They don’t know if their dreams will realise in future but they don’t keep their minds focused on worrying about it. They rather think about the happiness they will share with their near and dear ones in the present.
8. They Know The Importance Of Being Patient
Happy people know that best things in life comes when you wait for it. You will otherwise have to settle down by compromising on every thing. They know how important it is to be patient in life and they know that you will have a bad mental attitude if you are always impatient. You need to develop patience to be able to enjoy every moment of life and it is worthless if you choose to spend life in being impatient.
Also read: 9 Amazing Ways To Become A Happy Person
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.