Quick Tips To Improve Your Digestive System Naturally
Sometimes we may actually find it difficult to answer if we eat to live or we live to eat. Hectic lifestyle, multiple responsibilities at home and work along with increased complications in life has changed our food consumption pattern to a great deal. When we feel happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited, etc, what comes first to our mind is food. Many people in fact, have made their stomachs a dumping ground by indulging in heavenly food in a bid to overcome their mood swings.
But is our stomach ready to take such load? What effect this continuous feeding will have on our digestion system? In reality, it is just not over eating, but skipping food also, that has contributed to poor digestive systems. We eat to get energy and nutrition from our food to carry on our routine tasks while maintaining great health. Our digestive system plays a major role in breaking down the food molecules and extracting nutrients and dispersing them to all body parts. Even if you have nutritious rich food, but if your digestive system fails, then your body will remain devoid of essential nutrients.
Gradually, we have adopted a sedentary lifestyle and our diet pattern too has drastically changed. Having a weak digestive system these days has become a common issue. When your digestive system fails, some of the immediate symptoms you may notice include headaches, acute pain on the upper side of stomach, low energy levels, difficulty in emptying bowels or even diarrhoea among others. It is also true that as our body ages, our digestion tends to get weaker. But if you want to enjoy best of health in all ages, then it is important to take care of your digestive system now. Apart from ditching unhealthy food and unhealthy habits like smoking and caffeine addiction, you can follow these quick tips to improve your digestive system naturally:
Get Close To Natural Foods
The more processed food you consume, the more difficult it will be for your digestive system to process. Start consuming more of fruits, vegetables and whole grains as they are rich in fibre. The functioning of your digestive system is highly regulated by this power food called fibre. Start including a small plate of vegetable salad in your meals and replace your delicious snacks with fruit salads. This is a sure-shot way to regularise your digestion system that will gradually make it stronger.
Listen To Your Mind Not Heart
Your mind is quite intelligent when it comes to signalling. When you are eating, at a certain point, you will start receiving signals from your mind that it is time to get up and wash your hands. If you start listening your mind at this point, then you will automatically have a great digestive system. But if you keep on listening to your heart, then you will end up feeling full till your throat and finally you will have sleepless night and difficult time in getting the stock out!
Don’t Attempt Attaining 100 Percent Satiety
Some people feel that eating till they feel bloated means that they have eaten well. But having a meal doesn’t mean stocking your stomach. Follow the principle of satisfying your hunger up to 80 percent so that your digestive system doesn’t find it difficult to process them. This is one of the easiest ways to improve your digestion.
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Did You Know That Fatty & Junk Foods Slow Down Your Digestion Process??
Love those pizzas, burgers, ice-creams, hot dogs and fritters? Here’s a bad news! These extremely oily or high calorie foodstuffs actually slow down your digestion and even metabolism rate causing fat deposits in the body while making you less active. Start cutting down on these foods that directly hit your digestion process while providing you with no nutrition except unwanted fats.
Start Incorporating More Of Curd & Buttermilk In Your Diet
You may not know that fermented dairy products such as curd and buttermilk have lots of good bacteria that are known for helping the digestive system in breaking down food molecules. Such foods are great for removal of toxins and cleaning up the waste too. In fact, they even heal internal infections while regulating the functioning of the digestive system. Try to include a bowl of curd or a glass of buttermilk once everyday to give a boost to your digestion process.
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Follow A Schedule With Discipline
Many medical researches have stated that our digestion process works properly when we follow a schedule for eating our meals. Even if you are too busy or less hungry, try to have your meals on time everyday so that your digestive system keeps working efficiently.
Always Keep A Water Bottle Handy
Water is life and since our body is largely composed of water, then it is obvious that our internal organs need enough water for effective functioning. For the food molecules to break down properly, our digestive system needs sufficient water and it is lack of water that causes problems like constipation or diarrhoea. Don’t leave yourself dehydrated for long. If you are quite a busy bee, it would be great if you carry a water bottle with you always.
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Get Ready For Some Sacrifices
Everything comes for a price. But this sacrifice will surely pay you back in form of additional life span and a great digestive system! You will have to break-up with your beloved coffee, cigarettes and beer. Your digestion is basically adversely impacted by all these bad habit of yours. They cause severe acidic reactions and can distort your consumption patterns. Better keep them off limits.
Indulge More In Physical Activities
You eat to get energy and the energy must be utilised so that the cycle of feeding and breaking down of food molecules into energy can be seamlessly performed. Having a sedentary lifestyle and taking no time for physical activities can ruin your digestion health. Start with morning walks, jogs, taking stairs, etc. These activities will not only increase your metabolism rate and regulate your digestive system but will also help in keeping your body in great shape.
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Start Managing Your Stress Levels
Increased responsibilities, inadequate rest and less of leisure activities often mount up stress levels. Stress often brings anxiety and this anxiety causes many hormonal changes in the body. You may either start feeling hungry frequently or you may have meals at irregular times. This can greatly affect your digestion and in the long run can invite many lifestyle diseases that may require life long medication too. Better start managing your stress by planning holidays frequently, maintaining proper work-life balance, practicing meditation, etc.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.