Every women was a princess for her father and she just wants to be queen of her husband’s heart. She wants to be loathed with oodles of love but also wants a respectable status in her man’s life and in society. It has always been perceived that women love to dominate her love life and wants to swipe credit cards for shopping now and then.
But it is also true that today’s women wants equality in a relationship. They do want those cozy, cuddling moments and want to indulge in some childish behaviour occasionally, but they believe that even men out there should understand that in a relationship, both of them need to give equal treatment to one another. Today’s women want men to understand what they actually want them to believe. So presented here are 9 important things men should understand about women:
1. Women Don’t Need Sympathy

Modern women just wants to be treated equally as men. They don’t need sympathy or a shoulder to cry on. They also want equal status for men too. Men surely face discrimination at many places where women gets priority but it is also true that even women face such discrimination and that too since her childhood. So they don’t want men to pity them by offering them a seat in public transport because such gestures are also showcased by women, who love to be independent. Women are the most empathetic species, when it comes to understanding someone else’s feelings.