A few tips to help keep your kids safe around dogs
Dogs can be some of the most friendly and loyal animals on the planet. They greet you when you come home from work, they love to play, and at the end of the day, they love nothing more than snuggling in bed with their owners. But, make no mistake, dogs are still animals, and ones with big teeth.
Even the most loyal of dogs can revert to their primal nature if they become fearful, scared, or otherwise confused. Some dogs are always a bit skittish and have even more of a likelihood to lash out or bite and those types of dogs must be dealt with in a very sensitive manner. No matter what the case, if you have children and they will be around dogs, then laying down some safety rules as to how to deal with these animals can help your child avoid being a victim of dog bites.
The growing statistics of child dog bite injuries these days is very concerning. That is why it is imperative to keep the following tips in mind to help keep your kids safe when spending time around dogs:
Respect their space
If you are unfamiliar with a dog, it is best to let them approach you. If you walk towards them (especially where they are laying down), they may take this as a sign of aggression, even if you are in their home.
Pay attention to the owner’s instructions carefully
Owners usually know their dogs well so if they give you any information about the dog as to what to do and what NOT to do, pay close attention. They may warn against feeding by hand, or petting a certain part of their body, or any of several other admonitions. Follow their instructions carefully.
Avoid being loud or aggressive around the dog
Small children love to play and that can include running, jumping, screaming etc. While you may view this behavior as simply “kids being kids”, this behavior may make a dog extremely nervous and increase the chances that they will lash out in fear or anxiety. Make sure your kids are calm in nature around new dogs. (this includes no tail pulling, collar pulling, kicking the dog etc.)
Never get in the dog’s face
One thing children love to do when around dogs is to move in close to their face to try to get a kiss…this is a mistake. If a dog is unfamiliar with someone, they can take such an act as aggression and feel threatened. This can lead to them biting the face of the victim and causing serious damage. This type of dog bit is extremely common when children are involved.
If you encounter a loose dog in public, keep your distance
If you are out in public and see a dog roaming free, never approach the dog and certainly do not allow your child to either. Keep your distance and call animal control.
Even if you do your best to avoid an incident, there is still the possibility whenever you are around dogs. If your child has fell victim to a dog bite, it is recommended to contact an attorney that specializes in dog bite cases immediately. You may have to deal with expensive medical bills as a result and depending on the severity, treatment (such as plastic surgery) could linger on for years. A qualified law firm that has experience in dealing with dog bite injuries can help navigate you through the process and ensure that your family receives the financial compensation they are due.
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