Empathy is an ability to understand those around you and know their feelings. A psychic empath is someone who can scan and understand the psyche of other people, and such people can tell what another person is going through as well as any underlying feelings even when the other person is not letting emotions out. You could possess these abilities, but unless you learn about all the signs you need to observe, you will not easily tell if you are one.
Here are some of the ways you can tell if you are a psychic empath:
When you Experience Other People’s Ailments
One of the most common signs that psychic empaths show is the ability to have an emotional connection with other people. An example is where you feel exhausted and sickly for no reason. Sometimes this will make your stay in bed for a whole day, and you cannot understand what is happening.
In most cases, you will discover later that the feeling coincided with the sickness of someone close to you, even when that person is miles away or in a foreign country. You experience the symptoms of sickness without contracting any illness. This sign shows you are a psychic empath.
You Always Know What Someone Means
Even before they speak, you can quickly tell what someone means to say. Moreover, you can also know what they didn’t mean to say. If you are an empath and you come face to face with a person who has been lied to, you can easily tell and deduce the reason. This situation proves it’s not easy to lie before an empath because the person will find out.
You Feel Pressed to Care for Anyone in Pain
If you cannot walk past someone who is suffering without helping them, you are most likely a psychic empath. Whenever you see someone in pain, a feeling of guilt hits you, and you have to stop to help, or sometimes you start to feel like you are part of the struggle the other person is going through. The pain of others matters to an empath, and that is why they always offer to help in situations where others are suffering.
You Avoid Situations Likely to Cause Conflict
Many empaths try to avoid conflicts by staying out of situations that could trigger disagreements. If you find yourself trying to be in the safe zone and not wanting to be part of something that could cause conflicts, then you most likely are a psychic empath.
Caring and Nurturing Behavior
Generally, a psychic empath will possess a caring attitude and will feel a sense of responsibility to support people who are suffering. Giving support to those in pain gives them satisfaction and makes them happier. They care for everyone including people whom they meet for the first time, and this compassion is extended without bias.
Being a psychic empath is a trait that could make you relate well to people and avoid situations that would cause disagreements. Many people don’t know that they are empaths, but with the study of a few traits, you can tell if you are one. Some of the things mentioned above could help you to know if you are a psychic empath.