What is Instagram app
Instagram is a social media platform which enables people to upload and post photos and short videos through a mobile app. It allows you to take caption and edit, it has amazing filters and color effect to add beauty to photos and videos. Instagram could be downloaded on an Android device through Google store and on an Apple device through apple store. Individual can use it in a private mode to enable only their close friends to message them. And as well be open to the public for everyone to message, view or comment.
Instagram could also be used for business to buy and sell any kind of products, people use this medium to promote their business to a wide range of people. It could be used by some companies to post job vacancy which is very practical today, Instagram is also a source of information, where you could get informed on world news and read storied on celebrities.
Now let’s look at those methods we can use to promote an Instagram page. Many people wonder and ask questions on how to promote their Instagram page, here is the solution to their problems. If you need to grow your audience fast and easy, consider using quality Instagram promotion service like InstaNobel.
1. The first step is to create an Instagram page if you do not have one. consider putting a quality profile picture (not blurry, good photo resolution, take quality caption.
2. Keep bio short, simple and specific, to easy people to read about you and get an idea of whom you are.
3. Consider using beautiful photos add cool filters or light effects in your photos which could attract the audience to want to comment and like, and even want to start following to keep an update of all the photos and videos you upload.

4. Another important way to promote your Instagram page is to be yourself, try to do something different from others by posting you’re daily routing your food, post videos of interesting quotes created by yourself and motivational video on topics that would educate both the youth and adults.
5. Connect your Instagram profile to your blogs or brands and Facebook page, consider sharing your Instagram names on all the social media you are found in, for example: snapchat, YouTube and twitter Mention you are on Instagram on all social media profile.
6. Modify your name to be easily searchable by everyone, simple to spell, same name across all social platforms you are found in, a name that would last forever, avoid changing names, and adding unnecessary characters to your names
7. Using hashtags are a great way to get discovered and increase visibility of your page. You can use maximum 30 hashtags in a post. Don’t pick very broad hashtags like #travel. Chances are your post will never show up. Instead, add targeted hashtags like #ibizatravel.

8. It is recommended that you post unique content on Instagram/ However, it is difficult to come up with a new idea every time. So if you are stressed to find unique ideas, take inspiration from others and try something trending.