How to Procure Healthy Habits? Hacks and Tips to Build-up Healthful Habits

A habit is an acquired behavioral pattern, that is followed by a person on a regular basis, becomes almost reflexive. To live healthy, one has to acquire and follow some healthy habits. More the healthier habits, the more you stay healthful. However, building up healthy habits take a long period of time. It takes full effort, strong will-power and determination. And we understand it becomes quite hard to break up with bad habits that are almost a kind of addiction to you, but in order to have great mental, physical, intellectual and spiritual health, you need to procure healthy habits. Habits have a crucial role in our lives because when we wake up every morning, we start our day with our personal specific habits. Hence, habits can play a great role in motivating, inspiring, acquiring positivity and staying healthy.
Ways to procure healthy habits
According to behavioral experts, people in order to replace their bad habits into new good ones, usually start with a lot of pressure, challenging their limits. As a result of which, they end up being frustrated by the failure that ultimately pushes them more towards their bad habits. Hence, the experts have to say that in order to build up healthy habits stop making bold resolutions and pushing yourself towards extreme limits. Rather, understand your existing habits pattern and try to use them smartly to create fresh positive and healthy ones. It is not necessary to eliminate all your old habits unless it has some serious effect on your health, mind and soul.
For example, if you’ve a habit of smoking 10-15 cigarettes a day, we call it bad and unhealthy habit which cannot be used for creating good ones, hence you need to drop it or eliminate it. Full will-power, medications and rehab procedures are the concerns for later, but dropping this kind of habits is essential. However, if you’ve a habit of checking your cell-phone every morning you wake up, use it for creating something healthy and inspiring beneficial habit. Such as, generate your day’s task list, check the reminders, the pending works, check your mails briefly and create a note on your notepad with some inspirational quotes and reasons of gratitude towards life to kick-start your day with positivity.
Always have the goal to start from small and easier ones to stay determined and motivated during the entire procuring healthy habits process. Be creative in your approach, be smart when it comes to manage time and your work. It is absolutely fine, if you’re experiencing few setbacks while going forward with the process, stay focused and positive enough to push yourself towards the goal of attaining healthy habits in easier ways.
Hacks and Tips to Build-up Healthful Habits
1. Right plan for right execution
Get a good plan to procure healthy habits. The plan is knowing yourself and your habits better by bridging the gap between the real you and your unhealthy or wrong habits. Get to the root of your bad habits, fix any underlying issues that is linked with your mental health, or relationships, or spending too much time with wrong influencer.
2. Be patient
As we said, acquiring healthy habits take time. You have to be patient and positive. Have diligence when you’re still working on your bugs towards a healthy life. Take advice from mentors, family or friends if necessary to hang on.
3. Stay focused
Strong will power is the most important hack or tip you will need to build up healthy habits in the long run. Besides, being patient, you will need strong determination to stay firm on your decision and your reasons to achieve your goal. For example, to lose weight, you need some extra workouts, but time is something you struggling with, hence take stairs instead, or opt for walking to your office.
4. Analyze your habits
Keep noticing every single habit you have, good or bad. How are they affecting you and your behavior? Which behavior is extreme bad and which one needs improvisation? Analysing habits will help you to get little close towards healthful habits.
5. Initiate with small and easier one
Start improvising habits that are easier and can be quick reformed. Habits have different categories such as extreme bad ones and some lazy or laid-back ones. You need to start with lazy ones to work on and once you reform them, start with tough ones.
6. Try to repeat every day
Whatever changes you make to your existing habits try to nurture them every day so that, they become a part of your daily routine. Changes in habits for healthy lifestyle needs to be practiced every single day.
7. Be creative in your style
Keep track of your habits and change accordingly. See which one is easier and can be replaced with productive one. You can acquire healthy habits, but being creative towards working with them helps you to stick to them for a lifetime.
8. Include physical activity in your routine
For healthy habits, one has to follow a proactive lifestyle. Physical activity or exercising is important to stay motivated and make this a new habit to work towards more healthier habits.
9. Always find another option
If you think you have a bad and unhealthy habit of smoking with a companion during office breaks, find out another option to utilize your office breaks, find an excuse to stay away from your office mate to drop your unhealthy habit.
10. Get enough and right sleep
Getting sleep right is an effective hack or tip for building-up healthful habits in itself. Going to bed early and rising early is a very traditional and old healthy habit that is taught in schools.
11. See what works for you
You start working, and end up getting distracted by your cell phone notifications, reminders, unnecessary calls and shopping sale reminders. Put your cellphone on do-not-disturb mode to avoid distractions. See if it works, if still you get distracted from your work, then the problem is might be within you that you need to fix.
12. Evaluate your goals
Focus on your goals, evaluate why you need to work on acquiring healthy habits. How healthy habits can help you and how better will you feel acquiring those habits? Thinking and staying focused on your goals is important to procure healthy habits.
13. Be attentive to your posture
Whatever you do, or whatever keeps you busy all day, any work you doing, sitting, talking, walking or even standing keep a close attention on your body posture. Body posture plays a great role in healthy life. Keep it straight, tuck your tummy in and chin up every time you think you are getting lousy posture.
14. Check your personal improvements weekly
When you work on yourself and your habits so much, put so many efforts to it, assessment is essential too. Keep updating your improvement factors and changes every week so that you work on it better next time with full efficiency.
15. Eat right food
To stay healthy and acquire healthy habits, the first thing you need to work on is your food habits. Eat right food. Stay away from junk food, fried foods, unhealthy fatty food and sugar. Replace your soda drink with carbonated water, replace unhealthy outside foods with more vegetables, fruits and nuts.
16. Get more reasons and information on healthy habits
Acquiring healthy habits isn’t that easy, as needs lot of effort. Talk to people who can influence you with the reasons to have healthy habits. Read articles, blogs, watch videos to understand the consequences of bad and unhealthy habits.
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17. Drink one extra glass of water everyday
Drinking enough water is important for good health. You might skip or forget drinking water in a day several times, hence you need to drink one extra glass of water everyday when you chug on some water.
18. Be grateful
Being grateful and thankful to others, God, your life and yourself is important. This particular self-development skill is actually a great tip for healthful habit you need to build-up over a time to stay positive and focused towards your goal.
19. Assess your days experiences
At the end of the day, assess all the experiences you gain either good or bad. How it makes you feel, how it can be changed or improvised to lead a healthy life.
20. Smile at atleast one person a day
Giving a smile to one person can be so motivating towards self-development. That person you smile at would also feel so happy and positive because you never know what that person is suffering from or what struggles she’s having in her life to survive every day.
21. Let go your negative emotions
Anger, envy, avenge, jealous, rude, adamant, criticism all these negative emotions can be unhealthy for you as well as for the people around you. All these negative emotions can also cause stress and depression that is not an option for leading a healthy life. Someday, you might end up with no company, just because you would have no positive emotions that would ever inspire or motivate people.
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22. Help at least a single person a day
Helping others is one of the best tips or ways to procure healthy habits. Since, my childhood I have been consistently hearing this and trying to work out every day in my life. Helping others is a very good healthy habit you can ever have.
23. Believe in healthy and positive habits
Have faith and belief in positive and healthy habits. Believe that acquiring healthy habits would definitely help you to improve and have a healthy life ahead.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.