Peripheral artery disease is a condition that occurs as the result of the build up of plaque. This causes the arteries to narrow and weaken. As the condition progresses, blood flow to certain parts of the body will be blocked.
Peripheral artery disease can be fatal. Fortunately, there are ways that it can be prevented. There are several things that Metro Vascular Centers recommend that you do in order to prevent this condition.
Do Not Smoke
Smoking puts you at risk for developing peripheral artery disease. It increases your risk of high blood pressure, which is another risk factor for PAD. If you stop smoking now, then you will be able to reduce your risk of this condition. Keep in mind that chewing tobacco is just as bad as smoking.
Physical Activity
Staying active will prevent you from developing peripheral artery disease. Exercise helps improve blood circulation. It also helps lower blood pressure. Additionally, exercise helps you maintain a healthy body weight. Obesity is another risk factor for peripheral artery disease.
Your risk of developing peripheral artery disease goes up as you get older. The risk of PAD is highest in men who are over the age of 60 and women who have gone through menopause. However, you can still prevent this condition by exercising.
Follow a Healthy Diet
Many people who have PAD also have high cholesterol. You can keep your cholesterol under control by following a healthy diet. You will need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You will also need to reduce your intake of sugary foods and foods that are high in unhealthy fats.
Many people are able to control their cholesterol with medication. However, some people will need to take medication.
Keep Blood Sugar Under Control
Diabetes is a risk factor for PAD. You can reduce your risk of diabetes by eating healthy and exercising. If you already have diabetes, then you can reduce your risk of PAD by keeping the condition under control. Metro Vascular Centers can help you manage your condition. Many people will have to take medication to lower their blood sugar. Lifestyle changes can also be beneficial.