How To Prevent Diabetes That Is Hereditary
This post was last updated on May 18th, 2016
In comparison to various diseases including epidemic ones, it is diabetes that has affected majority of world’s population. Studies have suggested that Asian countries have the highest number of diabetic patients and the number is surging at an alarming rate. Even increasing number of children are suffering from this disease. Medical experts have stated that more and more people are falling prey to this disease because in most cases, diabetes is passed on by parents or siblings.
If you have a family history of diabetes and either of your parent or sibling suffers from type-2 diabetes, then you are highly prone to suffer from this disease. Researches show that since genetics are significantly responsible for occurrence of diabetes, then it becomes essential for an individual to develop an understanding about his/ her family’s medical history. A deep analysis about the factors causing diabetes within your family must be made to tackle the root cause.
Though preventing diabetes that runs in the family seems to be a challenging task, but it can be possible if you dedicate your mind to sincerely follow some natural ways that will help you in facing this challenge fiercely. So before you get more curious to know the natural remedies, get your blood test done to confirm if you are yet a diabetic patient or not. Then, when you are assured that you haven’t yet become a victim of diabetes, then start following these natural ways to prevent diabetes with discipline:
Prepare Your Diet Chart
The first and foremost step in protecting yourself from diabetes, which is hereditary is that you need to prepare your diet chart and have a balanced diet. You don’t need to eat less or skip meals. Just have more of salads, sprouts, fibre-rich breakfast, nutrition rich meals and eat less during nights. Ensure that everything you eat adds to your health. Keep a count of calories consumed and maintain a diary to note down what all you have consumed in a particular day.
Develop The Habit Of Exercising
Exercising is one among the four pillars of good health and leading an active lifestyle is one of the most effective ways by which you can avoid getting prone to genetically passed diabetes. Bring working out in your routine and if you feel it monotonous, then incorporate swimming, aerobics, dancing, trekking, walking, jogging, etc. According to various medical experts, working out for at least 30 minutes a day is necessary to keep your bodily systems in great condition.
Minimise Fat Consumption
It is time to ditch those pizzas, burgers, fritters, French fries, etc that you loved to gorge on even when you weren’t hungry. These foods contain large amounts of saturated fats and trans-fats that increase your risk of suffering from diabetes if any of your family member is a diabetic patient. It is advised to change your liking and opt for healthier snacks. You must completely avoid packaged or junk food and get hooked to home cooked healthy meals.
Control Your Sugar Consumption
Whether you are susceptible to suffer from diabetes or not, keep your sugar consumption under control as it can distort your body’s health. Over consumption can definitely cause changes in metabolic activities, insulin activities and can even cause obesity. Better replace them with healthier alternatives such as jaggery and honey. But make sure that you indulge in these alternatives in smaller quantities only.
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Say Good-Bye To Bad & Addictive Habits
If your family has a history of diabetes, then you must throw away those cigarettes and alcohol out of your life. Smoking and drinking alcohol and caffeine generally becomes addictive over the time and they are highly injurious for your internal organs. Your hormonal activities too get disturbed. This eventually increases the risk of type-2 diabetes. So later, you will definitely thank yourself for quitting these bad habits.
Keep Blood Pressure Under Control
One of the major reasons for occurrence of diabetes that is genetically passed on is high blood pressure. You are more prone to suffer from type-2 diabetes if you don’t keep a check on your soaring blood pressure. Keep salt intake restricted, have less processed or junk foods, manage your stress and lead a healthy and active lifestyle to keep blood pressure from rising.
Manage Your Stress Levels
Stress is a pertinent reason for numerous diseases and if you have a family history of diabetes, then stress can be a major cause if not managed. You need to de-stress your mind and body through proper management of your work and personal life responsibilities. It is basically a hectic and unmanaged lifestyle that increases stress levels and eventually causes exhaustion of mind. Practise meditation, read motivational books, adopt positive mental attitude, listen to music, etc to keep your mind free from stress.
Read: 10 Ways To Reduce Stress In Just 5 Minutes
Choose Healthy Cooking Oil
Even if you start eating healthy food, but making use of the right cooking oil is very essential for people who are at a risk of suffering from diabetes that runs in the family. Instead of making use of oils that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol such as mustard oil, peanut oil, clarified butter, salted butter, etc., start making use of light oils such as olive and coconut oils. These oils not only comprise of less saturated fats and cholesterol but are also great for our body’s health.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.