Chafing legs are a common occurrence among people who work out regularly. This skin irritation is caused by friction when your skin is rubbed against cloth or skin. While working out, the repetitive rubbing together of body parts can cause a painful and red rash.

Chafing can also be caused by excessive sweating during exercise. When rubbed against skin or cloth, sweaty skin can cause a stinging sensation, leading to skin chafing.
Chafed skin looks like a red rash but can sometimes lead to bleeding skin. Exercise-induced chafing is very common in both men and women and of all shapes and sizes. Severe chafing can make it challenging to complete your workout regime.
If you experience chafing in your inner thighs, you can take a few preventative measures during and after the workout to prevent chafing.
Before a workout, wash the skin area prone to the chafing gently with soap and water, and then spread a little petroleum jelly as a protective layer to keep your skin lubricated. This will allow the skin to glide smoothly, reducing friction and irritation.
Keep the Area Prone to Chafing Dry
You can apply talcum powder to ensure the area prone to chafing remains dry as possible. Talcum powders are moisture-wicking, and applying them before your workout will help absorb sweat without drying out the skin. Also, change into clean and dry clothing if it gets wet during the workout to prevent chafing.
Avoid wearing loose clothing or fabrics that are slow to dry during a workout to reduce friction. Cotton clothes absorb moisture and will stay wet while you are exercising. So, opt for body-hugging workout clothes made from synthetic moisture-wicking fabrics that will pull away sweat from the skin, keeping you dry and chafe-free.
Many people prefer wearing thigh guards while working out as they are designed to prevent chafing. The thigh guards act as a barrier against the skin, which helps prevent friction. They can be worn underneath your workout gear, so they are completely unnoticeable. Thigh guards come in a range of sizes to choose from.
Opt for Seamless Clothing
It is vital to wear comfortable clothing during a workout to prevent chafing. Clothes with seams can cause irritation and discomfort during exercise. Choose clothes with very few seams, flat seams, and minimal stitching to avoid skin irritation.
People suffering from chafing should stay hydrated as dehydration can make you more prone to chafing. When the skin is sweaty, the chances of chafing are more. Also, sweat contains salt and increases friction causing extreme discomfort. Drinking more water at least 11-13 glasses during the day will lead to less skin irritation and help you perform better.
If you are someone who begins chafing after increasing the duration of a workout, changing your workout routine may also help you. You can gradually increase the duration of the training as you start feeling better. Chafing between legs can be quite uncomfortable, but if you take some precautions, you will be able to stay irritation-free.