How to Prepare Your Home for a New Dog

This post was last updated on March 23rd, 2024

How to Prepare Home for a New Dog

Getting a new member of the family is an exciting time.Whether you’re getting a dog from a breeder or adopting one from a rescue, like a list of pug rescue organizations in Chicago. There are certain things you can do to prepare your home for your new arrival.

Prepare the people

Getting a dog is a big responsibility, it’s therefore important that everyone in the household knows what they have to do. Not only does a dog need love and play time, it needs walks, feeding, cleaning and making sure they’re not left alone for too long. As a family, sit down and discuss who will be responsible and how you can all work together to help take care of your new family member. 

Invest in a bed

Yes, a dog bed should be comfortable, but a dog bed gives your new furry friend a space that is theirs. Just as humans enjoy their own space at extra large dog kennel, so too do dogs. Orvis has a range of dog beds that make perfect comfortable spaces for your new pooch. If you’re rescuing an older dog a bed with a memory foam mattress will help support their joints. Whereas bolster beds work well for newer pups as they provide a bit more security for them. 

Get some toys

It can be tempting to go over-board and buy all the toys before the arrival of your new dog, but to begin with look at investing a soft-toy they can snuggle with, something they can chew and something they can fetch. Soft-toys are great for puppies as they act as a security blanket for them. Whereas chew toys are used to alleviate boredom and can also help with teething pups – instead of chewing furniture. When looking at a toy for fetch, think about the size and strength of your dog. Smaller dogs won’t be able to carry large tennis balls, whereas larger dogs might prefer to play tug games with a thicker rope toy. 

Set up a feeding and drinking station

Decide where your new pooch will eat and drink and set up a feeding and drinking station. This should ideally be in the kitchen. Stainless steel bowls are ideal because they don’t break. They are also dishwasher safe and don’t hold odours. However, some dogs are fussy, and will prefer to eat from a ceramic bowl! 

If you’re ready to join over a quarter of the population in owning a dog, remember they become like a family member and will change your life immeasurably. While they don’t need attention 24 hours a day, they will take up a fair amount of time and money – but they are 100% worth it! 

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