Every motorist should be able to do their own car maintenance to keep their vehicle in the best possible condition, to reduce garage bills and to avoid any serious issues from developing. Having a jack is important so that you can safely lift the vehicle, but it is important that you have the right jack particularly when driving a large vehicle like an SUV.
Manual v Electric v Pneumatic
There are types of jacks that work in different ways. A manual jack will see the operator use a handle or crank to lift the vehicle, which can require a lot of work and strength. Electric jacks use an electric motor to operate a hydraulic pump or turn a crank while pneumatic pumps use compressed air to lift the vehicle. All can work for an SUV, but many find that a hydraulic jack is the easiest and most effective way to lift a heavy vehicle like an SUV.
Lifting Mechanism
There are also a few different lifting mechanisms to consider when choosing a jack for your SUV.
Floor jacks: Also known as trolley jacks – these have long arms that slide underneath the vehicle and rise when pumped up.
Bottle jacks: Positioned directly underneath the jacking point with a hydraulic fluid pushing a series of pistons to lift the vehicle.
Scissor jacks: The lifting pad is forced upwards due to a large screw in the middle of the jack pulling the two ends closer together.
Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks, but many find that bottle jacks are the best of both due to their portability and ease of use.
Weight Capacity
You must also look at weight capacity when it comes to choosing a jack, especially for heavier vehicles like an SUV. Keep in mind that you will only be lifting one corner of the vehicle at a time so you do not need the full weight, but you should always look for a heavy-duty floor jack that will safely be able to lift your vehicle off of the ground. This means that you should always look up the weight of your vehicle before making a purchase.
Height Range
You should also consider the heigh range of any jack because an SUV because they are often higher off the ground than a typical car and these vehicles have a lot of suspension travel. Therefore, a typical 12-14 inch vehicle jack may not be enough for an SUV.
Hopefully, this post will help you to find the best jack for your SUV so that you can safely lift the vehicle and carry out basic maintenance. Every vehicle owner should own a jack so that they can carry out maintenance and change tyres, but with an SUV you should always make sure that you find one that is up to the task.