How to Manage Withdrawal Symptoms of Buprenorphine

This post was last updated on January 23rd, 2025

Withdrawal symptoms of Buprenorphine

Buprenorphine is helpful in managing opioid withdrawal symptoms. it’s prescribed by professional doctors to lessen physical withdrawal symptoms to patients suffering from addiction to opioid such as heroin. Since it’s an opioid partial agonist, buprenorphine might cause a euphoric effect that might lead to addiction. Therefore, an attempt at getting off buprenorphine will lead to withdrawal symptoms. This article has how to manage withdrawal symptoms of buprenorphine.

Why do withdrawal symptoms happen?

Withdrawal is a normal body process while seeking homeostasis after chronic substance abuse. This is a phase where the body rebounds and normalizes in a few days. The withdrawal symptoms from buprenorphine happen since the body had become dependent on the substance. These symptoms usually occur when you suddenly stop buprenorphine or significantly lower the dosage.

Common withdrawal symptoms of buprenorphine

The withdrawal symptoms of buprenorphine are similar to those of opiates and opioids such as methadone, heroin, and oxycodone. These symptoms might be milder but come with discomfort and disruption of normal life. Some of the common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Cold sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Change in appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Runny nose
  • Body aches
  • Restlessness
  • Pupil dilation

However, it’s very important to note that these symptoms vary depending on the intensity of drug addiction. You have to brace yourself for more symptoms if you consumed more milligrams of buprenorphine. The symptoms reach an extreme level in two to five days after the last dose. And, the symptoms can last for a week or two. It’s very important to see a professional doctor help you manage buprenorphine withdrawal. The doctor will evaluate your needs to lessen cravings and compulsions to prevent relapse.  

How long do withdrawal symptoms last?

The withdrawal symptoms from buprenorphine might come as soon as you miss a dose of the drug. You might begin feeling mild symptoms initially. However, these might get severe in about two to five days. Depending on the extent of the addiction, the withdrawal symptoms from buprenorphine might last from a few weeks to months following the final dose.  

The psychological symptoms of buprenorphine dependence last longer than physical ones. Luckily, seeking professional treatment for your cravings can lessen the symptoms with time. In a reliable rehab center, you might undergo intense behavioral or psychological therapy to lessen the symptoms with time. Not getting professional assistance to manage psychological withdrawal symptoms from buprenorphine can make the process longer even when the other symptoms subside.

Getting professional treatment

You can get appropriate professional care to manage withdrawal symptoms from buprenorphine when you visit a reliable rehab center. Here. You will find a range of options available to manage the symptoms. Professional caregivers can recommend taper to gradually lower buprenorphine over time. Additionally, the doctor can recommend a combination of other treatments including therapy to handle symptomatic discomfort.

Final thought

Using buprenorphine to lessen opioid withdrawal symptoms is an effective solution. However, there’s a likelihood of getting addicted to buprenorphine. In this case, you have to get professional assistance when getting off buprenorphine. This drug comes with withdrawal symptoms that can get fatal if you don’t seek professional assistance.


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