How to Live More Than 100 Years?
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
In this 21st century the average life span of an individual outstretch up to 40 years. The centenarian folks who make it into the triple digits are not counted in the exclusive club anymore. Living 100 years by having a disciplined lifestyle is the culture which evolved from Japan, California, Costa Rica, Greece and Italy. The secret of living 100 years or even more than that lies in their everyday living. Fad diets or crazy workout has nothing to do with the mystery of long and happy life. Centenarians are the most motivated and highly spiritual people hence they lead a depression free life. Here are some simple ways and styles to extend your life longevity making it into the triple digits.
1. Stay Young at Heart
Even if you are hitting your 60s, never act your age. Be adventurous to keep yourself active and youthful. Never stop exploring things or searching new experiences, as it keeps you all active at heart and mind. In Okinawa, Japan is a region with the longest living folks in the world, people are considered as children, until they hit 55. So, keep on dancing, moving and never let your age, age you.
2. Say ‘Goodbye’ to your Stress
Keeping stress at bay is the key factor in reducing cortisol level in your body and chronic inflammation, increase in cortisol can accelerate your ageing process, damaging your brain associated to memory and increases risk of heart disease. Stress is nothing but our unnecessary worries and assumptions towards life. So better start indulging yourself in activities and hobbies that you enjoy. Painting, swimming, planting, writing, singing or dancing whatever it is, start as soon as possible and feel your best even at your 60s.
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3. Eating Habits
The best thing you can do is being a vegan. Reduce calories in your daily consumption, increasing the intake of vitamins, proteins, minerals in your food. Don’t over eat, fill your stomach 80% and let your eating habits do the wonder. Have more green and black tea as it relaxes your blood vessels and protects your heart. And have one glass of wine a day which is good for you heart, blood pressure and cholesterol.
4. Be Active all Day
If you have a house maid or a housekeeper, then better let them go. Regular house works like mopping floor, washing clothes, cleaning and dusting your home, watering plants, washing car, cleaning doors and windows can help you to stay away from a sedentary life. Keep working all day, your own home related domestic works can help you a lot.
5. Walking is a good Idea
Walking 30 minutes every day can keep your heart young and your metabolic process active all day. Experts say, people who walk 30 minutes every day live four times longer than those who walk less. For overweight people, walking for just 10 minutes can improve their health and life longevity to much extent. No need of sweaty and vigorous exercises, as yoga and meditation is the best choice for living long.
6. Have a good sleep and sex
Get adequate sleep, as lack of sleep can offset essential hormonal balances, obesity, depression and heart disease. However, a good and active sex life can increase and enhance your life longevity adding extra four years.
Read: Why You Need To Have Sex With Your Partner Everyday?
7. Do work hard
Are you a hardworking person? If yes, then there’s a good news for you. Taking breaks or relaxing from your job can no doubt lessen your stress, but it’s not the key for your longer life. People who work hard and are sensible live the longest. They extend their lifespan adding two to three extra years reducing the risk of early death.
8. Connecting with people
The centenarians of Okinawa have a culture of connecting with younger people every Sunday for lunch or dinner and they have the lowest depression levels in the world. Prolonged loneliness can adversely affect the immune system.
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9. Go Social
50% of internet users are between the ages of 50-64. Grow your social networking and keep yourself prone to new ideas, concepts and knowledge. This not only decreases loneliness and depression but also keeps your brain active and improves cognitive skills.
Related: 7 Techniques To Eliminate Socialising With Negative People
10. Start Believing
According to a survey, the centenarians gave their credit of life longevity to their belief and faith. Most of them have faith in God, and they don’t fear death or don’t even think about death. It’s not necessary to be a God believer, but one has to have faith in goodness and betterment of people and they can have some good and ideal cause to find peace and faith in it.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.