Source: Pexels
Maintaining great spine health should be your priority if you want to live a long and pain-free life. Nowadays, back issues are more common than ever because we spend an excessive amount of time working in unnatural positions while playing video games and staring at our mobile devices.
If you don’t take proper care of your spine, you’re asking for trouble down the road. You may get a herniated disc in your neck or down in the lumbar area, which may require a serious chiropractic adjustment and major lifestyle changes. To avoid any of these issues, make sure you follow the tips laid out in this article.
Get up and move around regularly
While playing video games offers some benefits, you should definitely avoid sitting in one position for hours without taking a break. The same goes for sitting at your office desk or any other activity where you’re stuck in one spot for a longer period. Medical experts recommend that you get up and move around at least once per hour for a couple of minutes. During your break, you can perform different stretching exercises for your neck, back, and arms.
Maintain a correct posture
If you sit for hours with your neck bulging or stare down at your screen for an ungodly amount of time, you’re putting massive pressure on your neck and spine. So make sure to keep your posture erect (you can use an inexpensive corrective brace for that), and keep your spine in alignment.
While at work, always keep the screen right in front of you. If you work on a laptop, you can put it on a stand so that the screen is at the same level as your eyes. You could also get an external monitor with height adjustment for best results.
Practice yoga and physical exercises
Taking breaks and minding your posture is great, but it’s not enough if you want to have all the bases covered. That’s why you should add regular yoga and exercise sessions to your daily routine. Performing simple poses like “the downward dog” or “cat stretch” for a few minutes every day will keep your spine in good shape. Also, do not neglect cardiovascular exercise as it will help to keep your body aligned and healthy over the years.
The most important thing is to adapt to these behaviors so they become habits that you perform almost automatically. With time you’ll see that while other people your age struggle with back pain, you still enjoy a healthy and pain-free lifestyle.