When you have new carpets put down in your home, you’ll love the way they look. Brand new carpets are clean, fluffy and attractive. How do you keep those carpets looking that good for longer? Use these tips to get the most out of your carpets.
Vacuum Regularly
The most obvious tip for keeping your carpets looking good is to vacuum them regularly. Doing this pulls up all the dust and dirt that collects in your carpets, keeping them fresher and cleaner. It’s best to vacuum at least once a week, so you can keep up with the regular dirt and dust that comes about with daily living. Don’t forget to vacuum under furniture too, to ensure you get everything.
Freshen Your Carpets
Over time, odours have a habit of getting trapped in your carpets. You can remove them easily, though. The trick is to sprinkle baking soda onto your carpet, let it sit for a few minutes, and then vacuum it up. The baking soda absorbs the smells, and once you’ve vacuumed it up, you’ll be able to tell the smell has lifted. You can buy specialist powders for your carpet that are fragranced, but baking soda does the job just as well.
Clean Your Carpet
Even if you’re vigilant about vacuuming, you’ll find that the carpet does get dirty over time. You’ll need to ensure that the carpet is cleaned every now and then to lift any ground in dirt out. You can hire a carpet cleaning service to do this for you or buy your own carpet cleaner and do it yourself. There’s a good range of carpet cleaners on the market, and you can pick up Bissell carpet cleaner spares from stores like Spares2You quite easily.
Treat Stains Right Away
As careful as you are, sometimes things are going to get spilt on your carpet. There’s no need to panic though. If you’re quick, you’ll be able to get it out easily. Most new stains can be treated with a white cloth and a dedicated spray carpet cleaner, so it’s worth keeping it in your cleaning cupboard. If you prefer natural cleaning methods, white vinegar works well on stains too.
Protect High Traffic Areas
If you want to protect your carpets, then consider placing a rug on top of the carpet. For example, placing a rug under your dining table means that you’ll avoid food stains on your carpet if you have children. Rugs are great as they are easily cleaned. Some rugs on the market now can even be put into the washing machine. Have a look at your rug before you buy one, to see how you’ll clean it.
It’s easier than you’d think to keep your carpet looking newer for longer. Regular vacuuming, cleaning, and stain removal will keep it looking great long after it’s been installed. Take good care of your carpets, and you’ll be able to enjoy them for years to come.