Companies are constantly dealing with their data and data systems. They do not know how to access data or keep it secure. Companies have spent millions of dollars attempting to meet these demands. But one aspect of data that is often overlooked by these same companies is quality. Ensuring high quality for data takes time and regular input from many prominent stakeholders over a long period of time.
In order to better understand how to improve the data quality process, one must fully understand what it is. The quality of data is an understanding of how useful the data is to a particular company, individual, or organization. Marks of high quality in data include the data’s accuracy, media, and how recently it was updated. These factors can mean the difference between essential and worthless data. A company can help their bottom line by collecting data on the amount of money in accounts at certain times. But if that data is months or years old, business circumstances may have already changed and the data may not be useful anymore.
Perhaps the most important way to improve data quality management is to appoint one individual or a group responsible for this aspect of data management. The company should create a governance structure with certain individuals who have certain responsibilities surrounding data. A responsible individual may have their phone number and email publicized so they can be contacted by anyone with quality or data management questions. Then, the individual in charge needs to be given a list of deliverables that they have to act on by a certain date. If they have not met those standards, they may face some sort of disciplinary action from their superiors.
Regular updates
Individuals who are in charge of quality management should have regular meetings where they update a group of stakeholders on the status of data in their company. This meeting should present a number of logistics and projections over a period of more than one year. At the meeting, an individual in charge of maintaining data should share the progress made over the previous year and make an argument for updates to labor and technology. Companies need to spend more money to improve quality systems every year. These companies should have more data and will need to spend money in order to keep that data organized and useful. Having one individual or group be held responsible for data quality management helps ensure that these meetings will happen and that management knows where to turn if they do not end up happening.
Quality of data is essential to companies in the 21st century. High quality standards for data can help companies cut costs and gain an advantage on their competitors. Improving quality management for data is not an industry secret either. It simply requires responsible employees and regular updates by all individuals in charge. In this scenario, quality can be essential for a company growing and succeeding in the current global economy.
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