How to Guide Yourself for Making Your Mornings Productive?
Every morning is the beginning of a new day. All the things that happened yesterday is now a thing of the past. Mornings denote a new start and creative people around the world have quoted that the early morning hours have the capacity of extracting more creativity out of them. Even most of the successful people have claimed that effective utilisation of the morning hours marks the beginning of a productive day.
As we all know “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”, so why many people waste their mornings? What is the impact on them when they waste those magical morning hours? To know this, we must first understand that in a busy lifestyle, we must have a planned approach in all the work we do at home and at work. We all have 24 hours and we must plan all our tasks in innovative manner so that we still have time for ourselves. To make your whole day productive, you must actually find answer as to how to guide yourself for making your mornings productive?
[alert-success] 1. Why To Wake Up Early?[/alert-success]
You must have noticed that if you have a terrible start in the morning, your whole day ruins in the same way. Whereas if you are very cheerful and full of excitement in the morning, then your complete day replicates the same feeling. So it is basically your morning that determines how the rest of your day will be. Here are the reasons mentioned why actually mornings are so wonderful for increasing productivity:
* Peaceful & Calm – Waking up early in the morning ensures quiet and peaceful environment for you to think deeply or enjoy the ambience. While living in cities or with kids in the family, you may hardly find a quiet place for yourself. So the morning time is the best time to enjoy your own peaceful space and think about yourself without any interruption.
* More Time To Attain Goals – In today’s busy lifestyle, finding time for yourself seems next to impossible. It is always better to wake up early in the morning after a night of adequate rest so that you are able to utilise the early hours of a new day in the best possible way to think, plan, set goals and start early to work on them and eventually achieve them.
* Happy Attitude – The best thing about mornings is that you wake up after taking wholesome rest and with a relaxed state of mind. Your mind is free from any tension, which actually gets accumulated during the evenings. Therefore, even studies have proved that people are happier in mornings as compared to evenings.
[alert-success]2. How To Compel Yourself To Get Up Early?[/alert-success]
Many people don’t realise the importance of time and waking up early in the morning. They tend to waste time by sleeping more than required. Many people just wake up an hour before they head to their office and thereby lose the golden morning hours, which could have been productively utilised in self development, planning for the day, organizing, etc. But getting up late becomes an addiction and body gets used to oversleeping. All your efforts to get up early fails unintentionally. So here’s what you actually need to do to inculcate in yourself the habit of waking up early in the morning:
* Gradually Change Your Waking Up Pattern – If you wake up regularly at 9 am, then suddenly out of excitement you wake up at 5 am the next day, then you are less likely to continue the trend for more than 3 days. Rather you must make gradual changes in the routine to give your body, the required time to adapt itself. Set the alarm clock 15 minutes before for first 3 days and 30 minutes before for another 3 days and so on. You will soon start waking up early without feeling tired or sleepy again.
* Ensure A Treat For Yourself – A treat is a way to motivate yourself to keep up with this good habit. So treat yourself with a hot chocolate milk, a pancake breakfast or a relaxing jog. Try to find something that keeps your spirits up and you also feel fun while following such a routine.
* Do An Activity That Will Keep You Awake – After getting up, it is very essential that you wake up your senses completely. You should not feel drowsy or sleepy once again. You must either grab a book or the newspaper, or just jump out of the bed and wash your face so that your sleep hormones deactivate.
* Pull Up Your Curtains – After you get up, the first thing you need to do is pull up your curtains so that sunlight can enter your room. The sunlight is magical and when it touches your skin, a message is passed to your brain that it is day and it stops releasing melatonin hormone that induces sleep. Sunlight refreshes your senses and you start feeling active.
* Make It A Routine – You cannot be successful in getting up early if you practise this routine for a day or so. You must push yourself hard to wake up at the predetermined time everyday and consistency is the key to make your mornings productive forever.
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[alert-success]3. How To Ensure Sound Sleep?[/alert-success]
Waking up early is easier if you are aware of the hours you slept at night. If you did not sleep on time and woke up early then chances are high that you will be gloomy and may feel tired, which will reciprocate the whole day. To ensure sound sleep you must:
* Avoid consuming caffeine or food 2 hours before sleeping as it delays your sleep by hours by keeping your mind active.
* Keep your smartphones away as your mind will be affected by the blue light that postpones the activation of melatonin hormone.
* Listen to soft music or imagine happy moments of your life so that your mind is relaxed and stress free.
* Take a short shower to relax your senses and relieve the strained muscles in the body.
* Avoid watching TV, which mostly broadcasts negative content that induces your mind to think more about that negative subject, thus distorting your sleep routine.
* Go for an evening walk so that you enjoy a peaceful walk with yourself and thereby keep your mind cool and positive.
[alert-success]4. What Is Your Perception About A Productive Morning?[/alert-success]
We all have different perception even for a same thing. So your perception about a productive morning might not be the same as for any other person. All people have their own way of starting their morning. You must paint a picture of your perception of a productive morning. You must have a step by step guide as below to create your picture of a productive morning:
* Plan In Advance For The Morning – Draft a plan for your morning activities at night so that you have a clear idea of how you are going to productively spend your morning. If you fail to do this, then all the morning activities will automatically procrastinate. There will be no motivation to wake up early. So plan in advance the series in which your activities is to be lined up for the next morning.
* Organize – To actualise your plans, it is very necessary that you organize yourself. For example, if you have planned to go for a walk or jog in the morning, then set the alarm clock at the time you want to wake up and keep your track suit and shoes ready in advance. As soon as you wake up and have a look at them, you will be motivated to wake up and start with your routine.
* Allot Deadlines – As you have planned all your tasks and have organized your things that will motivate you to wake up in the morning, it is also essential that you have allotted time deadlines for all the planned tasks. This is because management of time denotes the productivity of the morning and if all tasks needs to be completed in the morning, then deadlines are a must.
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[alert-success]5. How To Be Habitual To Your Morning Activities?[/alert-success]
Planning for a productive morning and waking up early to realise the plans can be difficult initially, but making it a habit is an equally difficult task. You need to be motivated everyday to achieve success in making it your routine. Your daily morning routine must excite you and it should never be a punishment for you. Since you need to be consistent in productively utilising your mornings, you need to include these things in your routine:
* Start Random Writing – You don’t need to be a writer when you are writing for yourself. You may wake up early and write down your thoughts about your future, about your family, your future endeavours or your memorable moments. Once you start writing for a week or so, you will automatically continue writing out of excitement to quote down all the things which are gradually popping up in your mind.
* Have A Good Breakfast – Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day and everyone must be habitual of eating a healthy breakfast to regain the energy after a long break of 7 to 8 hours. Your breakfast must compose of oats, multi-grain breads, milk, fruit salads, etc, which are high in proteins, minerals and carbohydrates. Prepare your breakfast menu for the whole week and ensure that you keep up with the routine.
* Boost Your Energy Levels – If you are get tired quickly or feel drowsy in the mornings, then you need to boost your metabolism rate. You need to incorporate healthy food in your diet plan and must regularly do exercises, meditation and yoga to pace up your energy levels. If you are highly energetic, then you will able to utilise time with great planning and spend your mornings more productively.
* Be Grateful – You can give yourself the best dose of positivity by being grateful to God for all the things you have. By praying to God and thanking Him, you will understand how lucky you are to lead such a lifestyle and you should be contented with whatever you have. You should be very thankful for the life and all the opportunities given to you.
* Start Reading – Reading broadens your outlook towards life and its dimensions. But reading positive and motivational books will enhance your positivity. Negative books will make you pessimist and you are more likely to perceive every new thing in a negative manner. Start reading books which inspire your notion and which influences you to be a positive person.
* Spend Time With Family – Your busy lifestyle hardly gives you time to spend quality time with your own family members. Try to start your day early and motivate your family members to replicate the same so that you all have time to spend with each other. You can collectively do exercises, play games or go for a morning jog. You will feel much more happiness and positivity if you spend your
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.