How to Get Started With CrossFit
Have you been hitting the gym regularly?
Now, you’re feeling comfortable enough with benching and squatting that you’re ready for something new! Perhaps something that will stimulate both your physical and your mental strength.
The answer is a lot closer than you think.
What you need to get to that high mental and physical fitness is CrossFit.
If you were already thinking about it, this post is your ultimate guide for learning about CrossFit and getting into this lifestyle.
1. What is CrossFit?
CrossFit is a high-intensity strength and conditioning workout that uses everyday movements and intervals.
The exercises focus primarily on developing power. Participants usually seek to achieve this through challenging workout sessions.
To understand CrossFit, think of it as a broad-spectrum exercise regimen. Over the past two decades, CrossFit has developed into a powerhouse model — combining sports and daily activities like running, squatting, and pulling objects.
Here’s a combination of exercises you may come across in a CrossFit session:
- Bodyweight training
- Gymnastics
- Calisthenics
- High-intensity workouts
- Kettlebell training
- Powerlifting
These exercises are generally for anyone who wants to get fit or improve their health. The programs are tailorable for people with various needs ranging from the elderly with heart conditions to college athletes.
2. How to Get Into CrossFit
Many people are hesitant when it comes to CrossFit due to the intensity and potential for injury. But we could say the same regarding any other sport.
Plus, you will realize things are generally safe with the close supervision and directions offered in CrossFit exercises.
If you’ve read so far, you’re probably pretty interested.
Below are the steps you need to take when starting CrossFit:
Learn More About CrossFit
Interest is the first step when going after anything. To get into CrossFit, you’ll need to go all the way as it’s demanding enough that halfhearted attempts may not work.
First step?
Start learning.
You will come across terms like:
- WOD: Workout of the Day
- AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible
- Paleo: a favored CrossFit diet mainly consisting of meat and veggies
- Kipping: usually used in tandem with pull-ups, it’s a way of swinging your body to gain momentum
Understanding these terms will help you digest information better and get you used to the unique CrossFit culture.
Keep an Open Mind
It can be scary to witness extreme feats when you enter a CrossFit box, but that’s not what it’s all about.
Even senior citizens participate in CrossFit, and they love it for its many benefits. So as college students, if you are afraid of trying this new type of workout, just think there are others of different ages in the same boat!
It’s okay to feel out of place the first time, much like any other scenario. If you feel lost between the terms and the high-spirited movements — don’t fret. It takes time to adapt if you’ve never experienced similar exercises.
Sample Various Gyms
Not every CrossFit gym is the same. If one doesn’t seem to work for you, find another. Check out a few possibilities and see which one vibes with you as it’s a huge part of your journey.
Look for a reputable box offering a comprehensive program that adjusts to suit the needs of all types of Crossfitters.
If you want to do this long-term healthily, try not to change your lifestyle to fit into a program. Instead, look for a program that can fit into your lifestyle.
For instance, if you attend college or are a mother and aren’t free during certain hours, you’ll need a program compatible with your schedule.
The quality of coaching is also a critical factor when selecting a CrossFit program. Get a coach who knows what they’re doing. You’re new to this whole thing and a lot more vulnerable than you think.
Safety should also be a priority of both the gym and the coach. Look for an organized gym with clear workout plans and members that fit the culture you are looking for.
If you prefer to focus on intense exercises to get your body extra fit, don’t enroll in a CrossFit program concerned with staying functional.
Watch Your Diet
How much you get out of exercising depends, in part, on your diet.
It’s basic knowledge that you need proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. But you are not a nutritionist, so no need to worry about these micro details.
There are already customized diet plans on sale. These diet plans include the foods you will eat and the ones to avoid.
The diet plan you choose can vary with your body and health goals.
Either way, make sure you eat enough. CrossFit doesn’t fixate on cutting weight but is more about getting stronger and feeling better.
Proper meals and quality sleep are essential. You don’t want to cut down on this as it may compromise your performance.
3. What is a Typical CrossFit Class Like?
Usually, a CrossFit class is around one hour split into four different sessions led by a coach. The cost of the class will vary depending on the location and size of the gym you’ve joined.
The class usually starts with a short warm-up session. Warm-ups prep the body for intense exercises, helping prevent injuries. The warm-up can include two minutes of machine cardio followed by ten glute bridges.
Strength Exercise
This session usually consists of strength-based exercises. The drills you participate in might range depending on the selected skill for the day. This can range from cardio to high-intensity short exercises.
As a beginner, the instructors may wish for you to learn how to properly bench, deadlift, or squat before moving on to other techniques.
The WOD is the core focus of CrossFit.
The exercises designated as WOD are usually highly intensive to challenge your endurance and agility.
The WOD can include exercises done in the strength session or a completely new circuit.
This part of CrossFit usually lasts for 30 minutes. It might be longer, depending on the time spent on the strength-building sessions.
Also known as the cool-down session.
CrossFit focuses on stimulating cool-down through breathing drills and stretches. Sometimes you might jog for a short distance to gradually slow your heart rate.
They won’t throw you into the deep waters immediately.
Instead, your workouts will be slightly scaled as you get used to the system.
If you’re looking for a fitness program that can make you stronger, healthier, and fitter, CrossFit is your answer.
The exercises are pretty addictive. Sure, you might struggle during the first days, but things tend to fall into place pretty quickly.
Stay motivated and dedicated. These are just exercises that should be fun and increase your mental and physical endurance.
Author bio
Adam Marshall is a freelance writer who specializes in all things apartment organization, real estate, and college advice. He currently works with Parkway Plaza to help them with their online marketing.
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