It’s a big step to take when you start a family, and it’s almost certainly the most significant decision you’ll ever make. When you’ve made your choice, there is a sense of happiness and anticipation that can’t be compared until the arrival of your bundle of joy. However, for some couples, the trip to that point may be a little more emotional and challenging than they had anticipated.
When attempting to start a family, many couples confront fertility problems and frequently travel to an IVF clinic in London to seek assistance. We’ll go through three things to consider while you’re setting up your first appointment with a specialist, and getting ready to take the first step on your path to parenthood, in this section.
Map ovulation
Knowing when you ovulate is essential when attempting to conceive since it will assist you in determining when you are most fertile and therefore when you are most likely to get pregnant. This information is crucial for those who are preparing to start fertility treatment.
Maintain healthy body weight.
Being overweight and underweight have a significant impact on your chances of conceiving and the positive effect of fertility therapy. Maintaining a healthy weight and increasing the benefit of assisted reproduction by changing your eating habits and exercise regimen. Maintaining a positive mental attitude throughout your fertility journey is also aided by following a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Make an appointment with the dentist
Dental hygiene and gum disease have been linked to diminished fertility and difficulty conceiving, therefore it is critical to schedule an appointment for a checkup ensure that your teeth and oral health do not act as a barrier when you are attempting to conceive.
Quit smoking
Smoking, according to studies, can reduce both male and female fertility rates, making quitting essential if you want to get pregnant. Second-hand smoke in the womb also has damaging effects on your baby.
Stop drinking alcohol
Alcohol, like smoking, has been demonstrated to have an impact on fertility, so you should think about limiting – if not stopping altogether – the amount of alcohol you consume while trying to conceive.
Don’t be stressed
The tension of daily life, as well as the stress linked with infertility difficulties, might be tough to handle. It can also have an influence on fertility and conception rates. Make certain you schedule time for your relationship as a couple without discussing your pregnancy or fertility. Meditation and yoga are two excellent ways to relieve tension. And, more than anything, keep in mind that help is available if you need it when it comes to addressing and overcoming your fertility problems so that you may realize your desire of becoming parents.
Fertility is a hot topic for couples all over the world. While technology has come leaps and bounds in helping couples conceive, there are still many things that couples can do to encourage healthy fertility. In this article, we’ve outlined some of the best ways to encourage fertility naturally through diet and lifestyle changes. Have you tried any of these methods?