How to Embrace the Slow Living Lifestyle

This post was last updated on March 20th, 2024

Slow Living Lifestyle

Slow living is the perfect antidote to the modern world. With so much going on and a connection to the global news always at our fingertips, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Anxious, even. If it isn’t COVID-19, then it’s always something else, and worrying about every issue and injustice will only result in paralysis. This anxiety is not conducive to healthy living or productivity, but thankfully the best cure is to adopt a slow living approach throughout your life: 

Slow Living at Home 

Slow living at home is where you will find the most benefits. Home is where we should be able to relax and unwind, not where we feel stressed. Improving the look of it and adding features that help you personally relax will help, yes, but more to the point you will want to: 

Try to choose things to do that take time and your attention. Don’t split your attention between watching TV and reading, or cooking and scrolling on social media. To slow down, we need to realign our focus and enjoy the beauty of the task ahead of us. You can add stimulation, of course. Music, for example, is an excellent background accompaniment to any job. 

Slow Living at Work 

Just as you should improve the physical space of your home so that it is comfortable and relaxing, you should also improve your desk. Get a light therapy lamp if you feel the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), add air-purifying plants, and so on. On top of improving your desk, you will also want to: 

  • Don’t Work Unpaid Overtime 
  • Try Light Therapy 
  • Or Screen-Friendly Glasses 
  • Eat Outside for Lunch 

Slow Living on Vacation

We only have so long on our vacations that it seems natural to try to cram as much stuff in as possible. Not only is this stressful, but it is also unsustainable. We need to slow our travel down. You don’t need to see two cities in one week, just explore one more fully. You don’t need to fly to multiple destinations when you can go on a road trip in a luxurious camper rental. Focus your trip and enjoy it more fully by experiencing it and enjoying every second. 

  • Go on a Road Trip 
  • Or Explore One Destination at Length 
  • Don’t Post on Social Media 
  • Learn as Much as You Can 
  • Find Great Places to Rest and Relax 

Being on a trip doesn’t mean that you cannot relax and take it easy. Soak in the sights and experiences, even prolong them by listening to music, or try drawing what you see. Spending time soaking in the experiences is a great way to remember them better and to relax on your trip. 

Slow living is the way forward. It is better for our mental health, our budgets, and our society. It helps by encouraging people to focus on what matters to them instead of trying to outpace their problems. Finding the right slow living methods that work for you, however, is essential, so start today and try out these tips. 

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