How to Cope If Your Guy Chooses Another Woman Over You
Whether you were in a committed relationship and had your partner leave you for another woman or you simply had someone you were casually dating ultimately decide to move forward with someone else, one thing’s for sure. It hurts to have someone you care deeply for and can picture a future with choose someone else over you.
It’s also not exactly a treat to be left wondering what that other woman had that you didn’t. It’s enough to make even the most desirable sugar baby doubt herself and wonder whether she’ll ever be the person a sugardaddy looks at and thinks, “She’s the one.” Here’s a look at what you need to know to cope, heal, and ultimately move forward.
It’s about him, not her
When you’re rejected by someone you really cared about, you might well be angry with them. You don’t magically just stop loving them on a dime, though, because that’s not how feelings work. But those lingering feelings can make it hard to blame him for what happened between the two of you, even in instances where he may have been cheating.
The only alternative is to make it about the other woman, especially when you consider that women and girls are socially conditioned to see each other as competition from the time they’re young. It feels more natural to most women to blame the other woman and herself, not the man who chose to reject her in the first place.
It doesn’t mean you’re not amazing
Although it can be hard to see things that way when a sugar daddy has freshly rejected you, a rejection doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It doesn’t even necessarily mean you weren’t enough for your sugar daddy, and it certainly doesn’t mean he didn’t love you. It doesn’t mean you aren’t absolutely fantastic, either.
Human beings are complicated, and so are their emotions. Whatever his reasons were, your sugar daddy decided you weren’t the right fit for him. And he may or may not come to regret that choice once he’s in his new relationship. But you are the right choice for another sugar daddy out there who’s waiting to meet you.
Reflect honestly on your relationship
Although it can be hard to see past the hurt of a rejection at first, you’ll eventually reach a point where it’s not so fresh and you can think more objectively about the whole thing. That’s the point at which it can be helpful to ask yourself some honest questions about the true nature of your former sugar daddy and the relationship you shared.
When people reflect on past relationships, it tends to be through rose-colored glasses. They miss the good times but have forgotten all about the frustrations. Maybe your sugar daddy wasn’t very supportive of your goals, or perhaps he had major issues opening up to you. And there were likely lots of compromises you had to make to be in that relationship in the first place. Remind yourself of those things, as well as of the fact that you don’t have those problems anymore.
Reinvest in yourself
There’s nothing like a little self-care and quality “me time” to soothe the hurt of an undeserved rejection. It’s also a great way to regain your usual trademark sugar baby confidence in record time. You can start by channeling some of the excess frustrated energy you have right now into productive pursuits like exercise. Lace up your jogging shoes, hit the gym, or embrace a new active hobby. You’ll wind up looking great and feeling even better.
Be sure to take the time to pamper yourself a little, and give yourself all the space you need to heal. And don’t forget to let your friends and loved ones spoil you a little, too. There’s nothing like the unconditional love of people who are always there when they’re needed to soothe the hurt of a rejection.
Get back out there when you’re ready
It’s definitely essential to take some time to recenter and regroup after a breakup or a rejection. But there’s also something to be said about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting right back out there when you’re ready. After all, your ex is out there taking his best shot at living his best life. Why shouldn’t you do the same?
Put yourself back out there, meet some new sugar daddies, and let them spoil you absolutely rotten. Not every connection you make has to be super serious. Plus, going out, hearing how wonderful you are from other daddies, and letting them treat you to some great times can be just the thing to get your confidence back on track. Try it and see.
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