How to Choose a Wellness Resort in Thailand
This post was last updated on November 27th, 2024

Deciding to go on a wellness retreat in Thailand is the easy part, picking where to go is more complicated. From budget eco retreats to five-star luxury resorts, there are over a hundred wellness options to select from in the Land of Smiles. Which means, choosing the ideal one for your wellness goals, budget and style is not an easy feat; it’s going to require time, patience and dedication to sort through the available selection. If you don’t have a trust friend recommendation to go off, we’re here to help you out with a checklist of the four – Services, Size, Location, Price – main items you should carefully research and take into consideration when deciding which wellness resort in Thailand is right for you.
First and foremost, you should decide what kind of wellness trip you want to go on and work back from there. Some retreats will only offer yoga or detox or fitness. If you’re looking for something in particular – meditation, Muay Thai, cooking classes, reiki, etc. – or a mix of all, this should guide your initial research. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, look precisely at what each facility has to offer in terms of facilities, amenities and services. Don’t compromise on your once-in-a-lifetime trip, if a retreat doesn’t have an on-site gym, beach access or cater to a vegan diet.
The next thing you’ll want to consider is size. And yes, it does very much matter. Some wellness retreat addicts will tell you that small is best. And while an intimate retreat will have its advantages, in terms of smaller classes and more serenity. On the flip side, they will have a more limited range of classes, facilities and services on offer. Also, consider that a small resort might only have dorms and shared rooms/bathrooms. If you need your privacy, you’ll have to go for a full-service destination. If you can, strike a happy medium and opt for a mid-sized resort, which should offer a full suite of services but retain an overall boutique charm.
Another significant factor is the location. Again, use this parameter to narrow down your choices. For wellness resort in Thailand, you have several main options: city, mountain, beach and countryside. If you are a die-hard beach fan, your decision will be easy. If you’re not particular about the setting, consider how your time, budget and travel itinerary mesh with the retreat location. If it’s going to require an 8-hour bus ride, two-hour ferry and 1-hour tuk-tuk ride to get there, do you have the time? Likewise, once you get there, is there anything nearby. Some retreat guests like to be completely cut-off from the world and stay in their bubble, others like nearby shops, cafes and attractions to explore. So, think about what kind of trip you want to take and have that inform your choice of location.
Of course, nobody wants to put a price on their health and wellbeing, but let’s be honest, not all of us have infinitely deep pockets either. The good thing about wellness resort in Thailand is that most retreats offer all-inclusive packages, which makes the whole process very simple. Depending on which programme you go with, most will include your transportation, accommodation, food, drinks and activities (yoga, meditation, group classes, consultations, massage, etc.). You will only have to pay for any additional services, such as excursions, cooking classes, one-on-one coaching sessions, and so forth. This payment method takes all the stress off you, so you’re free to relax and make the most of your wellness experience.
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