How Safe are Dermal Fillers for Male Augmentation?
The primary concern on the mind of any patient considering a cosmetic procedure is typically related to just how safe the treatment is. This becomes the main consideration for a man who is looking into a penile augmentation procedure. No man wants to walk into a cosmetic procedure that may have some potentially alarming risks attached to it.
The good news is that advancements in technology and expertise ensure that today’s augmentation procedures are widely considered be very safe. Surgical augmentation is one of the options available for men who are looking to alter the appearance of their penis. However, surgery is not the first choice for all men. Over-the-counter pills and creams may offer results but the reality is that they simply don’t deliver results. They may even cause more concerns than they address. Dermal fillers are an alternative non-surgical male augmentation solution. They can allow men to get results, in almost no time at all, with very few worrisome side effects.
It’s a very private decision to undergo any type of cosmetic procedure, and doubly so when it involves sensitive areas, so it’s important that you feel comfortable with the procedure and with the medical professional performing the procedure.
How do dermal fillers work for male augmentation?
According to the pioneering experts at CALIBRE Clinic, dermal fillers are used to enlarge the girth of the penis and improve aesthetics where necessary. Just as every person looking for a nose job will have his or her own aesthetic goals, so is the case with male augmentation.
The dermal fillers that are used to augment the penis are widely considered to be incredibly safe. They have been used for many years to safely enhance lips, cheeks and the eye areas.
Just as the fillers are injected just beneath the skin on the lips or eye area to plump them up, for male augmentation the fillers are injected into the penis in strategic areas. The needles are very small and are injected just beneath the skin. Most patients report that they feel little to no discomfort during the procedure. A topical numbing agent is used to ensure patient comfort, and most dermal fillers also contain lidocaine to further minimize any discomfort.
Results can be seen right away, but the true results may not be fully visible until a few days after treatment. The filler will settle a small bit right after the procedure.
Post-treatment care
After your procedure, your doctor will provide you with a list of instructions to ensure that you are able to heal without complication and so that you’ll be able to get the best in results from your treatment.
It’s suggested that men abstain from sexual activities for a minimum of 72 hours, so that the small injection sites can have time to heal. Keeping the injection sites clean and avoiding irritation is important in order to promote healing and avoid the potential for an infection.
It’s also advised that patients shower instead of taking a bath, and also avoid swimming or using a hot tub until they have fully healed.
Are there any risks to male augmentation?
Prior to any type of medical procedure, whether cosmetic or not, it’s important to discuss your full medical history with the doctor performing the procedure. Safety should always take priority over the desire for cosmetic results. If you have allergies to medications or you have an underlying health issue that could result in slow healing, you should discuss these concerns with your doctor.
No procedure can be considered to be wholly risk-free, even minimally invasive dermal filler treatments. When performed by an experience and certified professional, dermal fillers are considered to be incredibly safe, however.
There is the small risk for an infection at the injection sites, but they typically close up within a few short days. There may be some swelling and redness at the injection sites, but that also should heal up shortly.
There should be no pain during or after the procedure, and any discomfort can often be controlled with over the counter pain medication. If you do experience any pain, it’s important to let your doctor know immediately.
How can you ensure your safety?
Male augmentation is a non-invasive and non-surgical procedure, but it should still be considered to be a medical procedure. This means that it’s important you place your trust in trained and certified medical professionals who offer treatment in sterile medical facilities.
Avoid those who promise cut-rate prices and focus more on the low price than on producing excellent results in patient care. Always do your research on the doctors and the facilities that you are considering.
Male augmentation can be a sensitive topic to discuss. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your providers as you start the process of male augmentation. Those who specialize in men’s cosmetic solutions will have the right level of professionalism, discretion and compassion. You deserve to feel confidence in the way that you look. The male augmentation procedure can help to instill that confidence and give you some pep in your step.
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