How Much Water Is Sufficient For Maintaining Great Health?
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
Since childhood, your elders may have always advised you to have enough water to keep your body hydrated and to ensure that your digestive system works efficiently. You must have studied that water is life and the human body is composed of around 60 percent of water. But maintaining this water level in the body is a not an easy task. Most of us wonder that despite losing water in the form of urine and sweat the whole day, how much quantity of water is actually suffice for the body?
Medical experts recommend having around 2 litres of water each day but people indulging in extremely strenuous physical activities may require more than that. Besides there are many other factors that many influence your water intake. There are many nutritionists who suggest that keeping your body hydrated at all times is essential and thereby, you must drink water at frequent intervals even if you are not thirsty. Moreover, drinking lots of water when your body is one the verge of getting dehydrated is not a good practice.
We may pay a lot of attention towards what we are eating, but maintaining hydration level of your body is a thing that we hardly think of. We are often in dilemma how much water our body needs and regarding water consumption, most of us have various questions, the answers of which will increase your understanding about the importance of keeping your body hydrated. Here are some pretty cool facts about water consumption that will compel you to carry your pet bottle with you always:
1. Adequate Consumption Of Water Aids In Weight Loss
One of the most perceived notions regarding weight loss is that increasing water intake can help in increasing metabolic rate and reducing appetite. But many studies have found that consuming more water can help in boosting the metabolism on temporary basis, i.e., for around an hour or so. You can however, stimulate the energy expenditure by 96 calories if you start drinking 2 litres of water each day. Also, it would be better if you drink cold water as your body will burn more calories to increase the water’s temperature.
If you consume two glasses of water half an hour before having meals, then probably you will end up consuming less calories as you will feel full early. So if you workout and follow a healthy diet along with consuming enough water before meals, then there’s nothing that can stop you from attaining your weight loss goals.
2. Proper Hydration Boosts Energy Levels & Improves Brain’s Functioning
There are numerous studies that support the fact that our brain’s capacity to think and concentrate diminishes if we don’t keep ourselves hydrated throughout the day. In fact, medical experts have also revealed that even our energy levels and capacity to indulge in extra physical activities too fall significantly if water level in our body is not maintained.
As per one study, women who lost 1.36 percent of water after exercise faced mood swings and even lack of concentration and one of the major symptoms of dehydration is headaches, which occurred to them. So even mild dehydration can cause negative impacts on our brain’s functioning. This kind of mild dehydration due to sweating after exercise or being exposed to heat can even lower your body’s endurance level.
3. Sufficient Water Level In The Body Can Prevent Many Health Issues
Since water is what we are mainly composed of, lack of it can actually be a reason for a number of health disorders. Loose motions and constipations are generally sorted out when you improve your water intake. Some studies have even stated that those people who drink more water are less susceptible to suffer from bladder or colorectal cancer. You can even prevent suffering from kidney stones by maintaining optimum level of hydration. Your skin’s texture too improves when it is properly hydrated and as per some studies, if the increased water intake is flushing out toxins from your body regularly, then even skin conditions like acne can be effectively treated.
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4. Water Rich Foods & Beverages Too Count To The Total Water Requirement
For maintaining fluid balance in your body, it is important for you to understand that it is not just plain water that contributes to the total fluid intake. Even other drinks and foods also add to the total water content in the body. Some studies however, say that caffeinated drinks don’t count to the total water intake as they are diuretic, which causes release of water from the body through urine. But most natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish and meat are loaded with water and hence, consuming these foods will also help in keeping your body hydrated. So while you ensure drinking enough water, make sure that your body’s fluid requirements are also satisfied with healthy foods.
5. Curb The Slight Feeling Of Thirst Without Further Delay
Since water is extremely crucial for our survival, our body mechanisms have been designed in a way that it signals us how much water and when it is required. When the body’s fluid content diminishes, it naturally signals us in the form of thirst and this mechanism works even if we don’t consciously think about it. Besides thirst, water loss due to sweat and urine can also imply that it is time to drink water. Even when you are ill or if you are breastfeeding, then you will automatically feel more thirsty and if you don’t feel so, then probably you must intentionally start drinking water in frequent intervals.
So the crux of the whole scenario is that the water requirement of each body is different and each body has its own mechanism and health conditions. If you start drinking more water than usual, then you may initially feel the discomfort of visiting the washroom quite often. But when you are aware of the numerous benefits of water, then you can improve your health to a great extent with water that is abundantly available and at no cost. So when you are thirsty, sick, exposed to heat or have performed heavy physical tasks or feeling stressed, then grab of glass of water and see its wonderful effect on your health.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.