Axie Infinity, also know as AXS or AXIE, is both a blockchain-based battling game and a cryptocurrency at the same time. If this sounds confusing, do not worry – it is quite simple once you understand the basics of how it is supposed to work.
What is Axie Infinity?
Axie Infinity takes the gameplay of classic games like Pokémon and combines it with the user-owned control of cryptocurrency, as well as the more recent development of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This makes each and every creature that exists completely unique and tied to its current owner.
Set in a world know as Lunacia, players can use in-game cryptocurrency tokens (which are earned by playing) to control a huge part of the game world. They can breed creatures known as Axis, buy land, farm, or even use the tokens as a full-scale cryptocurrency to purchase real-life products.
How Does This Work?
Unlike a lot of crypto services, Axie Infinity is not meant to be an investor-focused experience. While it can be expensive if you want to buy everything possible at the start of the game, the point is to provide crypto users with an experience that also ties back to their currency.
Since the Axies themselves are a currency, players can breed creatures and trade or sell them, either for other crypto or real-world money. This has led to many players turning it into a second job, funding their rent and other activities by carefully managing their in-game tokens.
How Do I Get Started?
Since Axie Infinity is all crypto-based, you just need a few tokens to start engaging with the entire system. It is a play-to-earn game, so careful management of your resources can easily lead to you building up more and more tokens.
There are two ways to get hold of some early tokens and start playing. The first would be to buy them directly with real-world money, something that you can easily do using a crypto exchange that supports those coins and tokens.
The other would be to purchase them in a trade using any existing cryptocurrency you might have. Remember that the relative values of the coins matter, so there will not be a stable, pre-set price for doing this.
Of course, you can also earn more by playing, so even starting out with the bare minimum will allow you to grow your stockpile. How you use them from that point onward is up to you.
Should I Buy AXIE?
Axie Infinity is a unique experience and one of the few real crypto gaming attempts that exist. But is it actually worth buying, and are you going to get your money’s worth out of it?
First of all, decide if you actually care about crypto gaming. A major element of Axie Infinity is using your crypto to actually fuel the gameplay, so you will get far more value out of each coin if you are playing.
Second, if you buy Axie Infinity (AXIE) , then you need to remember that it has a few specialized uses. You can use it to buy real-world goods and services or trade for other crypto types, but it can also be used to replicate itself through the game. This adds an extra dimension to how you can use it.