Top 10 Homemade Hair Conditioners
Hair care is one of the most important beauty rituals now-a-days. Like we go for facial, moisturizing, scrubbing, facial mask, we also prefer best hair care for getting smooth, silky, shiny and strong hair. Hair care process includes hair oiling, washing, conditioning, colouring, bleaching, hair mask and final step combing. While combing your hair, getting two or more tangles is totally normal but to avoid maximum tangles we go for conditioning our hair to make it soft and silk. The more you hair becomes silkier, the more easily you comb your hair. Tangles in hair are caused due to rough hair, less moisture and oil in hair, dull hair, split ends, over using chemical loaded products, hair drying and dandruff associated with hair fall. Now to avoid all these conditions proper hair oiling and hair conditioning can help you to get healthy hair and scalp. Conditioners are available in markets and stores but chemicals what you get in bonus with hair conditioners. To get naturally strong hair let’s find out the best homemade hair conditioners. Here we go!
1. Banana, Honey and Olive Oil
Significantly effective, this conditioner is the best option for nourishing your hair and entangling your hair with no efforts. Banana minimizes shrinkage and reduces scalp dryness. Olive oil is known for its moisturizing property making hair strong and smooth. Honey strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair fall and split ends. So what you need is 1 fully ripe banana, 2 tablespoon of olive oil and honey. Mash the banana with olive oil and honey mix them well to make a paste. Apply on scalp and hair length. Keep it for 10 minutes and wash thoroughly as banana could stick to your hair.
2. Yogurt, Eggs and Mayonnaise
Eggs nourish your hair making hair follicles strong by reducing dryness of the scalp. Yogurt is the moisturizer for your hair locks in the essential oils and makes hair soft and smooth repairing the damaged hair. In short one of the best homemade hair conditioner to fight almost all hair problems and suits all hair types. Ingredients for this conditioner 1 whole egg, 1 cup of plain yogurt and ½ cup of mayonnaise to mix well for making a thick whipped paste. Apply on scalp and hair from root to tip and cover hair with shower cap leaving to rest for 40 minutes. Wash with normal or lukewarm water with a mild shampoo.
3. Coconut Oil and Egg Yolk
Coconut oil gives moisture and nourishes you hair making them strong and damage free. Eggs ward off dandruff and reduces hair fall giving you shiny lustrous hair. All you require is 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 whole egg to mix well making a thick paste. You can add little water if it’s needed. Massage the conditioner well on scalp and hair length and leave for 5 minutes and wash it well with mild shampoo.
4. Cinnamon, Milk and Honey
Here’s a very beneficial and easy to get and make homemade hair conditioner within 5 minutes. Milk naturally nourishes your hair, add gloss and shine to your hair adding volume. Cinnamon stimulates blood circulation to the hair follicles and scalp and honey that adds moisture and makes hair strong. Now ingredients are 2 tablespoon of cinnamon powder, 2 tablespoon of honey, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoon of milk and 1/4th cup of mayonnaise to mix them all properly making a thick whipped paste and apply on your washed damp hair and scalp and cover it with shower cap. Wash after few minutes with a mild shampoo to get rid of the pungent smell of eggs.
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5. Avocado, Shea Butter and Apple Cider Vinegar
This super effective conditioner not only entangles your hair but also gives you super silky and soft hair. And the best part of this conditioner is it can be used for all hair types be it straight, wavy or curly. Shea butter is a complete package that solves all your hair problems in one application. It gives moisture, repairs hair breakage, damaged hair, dull hair, fights dandruff and hair fall and also gives you smooth strong hair. All you need is 1 fully ripe avocado, 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and ½ cup of shea butter to blend them all together making a thick paste. You can also add some honey if you want. Apply the conditioner to your hair and scalp and cover with shower cap and leave for 30 minutes. Wash it well with mild shampoo.
6. Banana, Avocado and Eggs
Another effective homemade hair conditioner that repairs damaged hair, split ends and reduces dandruff. Banana helps to repair rough and dull hair, avocadoes give you soft and smooth hair and eggs add the silky factor to your hair making it amazingly manageable. You need 1-2 avocadoes depending on your hair length to peel and cut it into half for making a thick paste. Mash 2 bananas, 1 whole egg and 2 tablespoon of olive oil and mix them well. Apply the conditioner on damp hair for 15 minutes and rinse with mild shampoo to feel the difference.
7. Orange, Coconut Milk and Yogurt
All your nagging hair problems can be easily solved by applying this natural conditioner. Orange extracts help to give silky touch, makes hair strong and smooth. Vvitamin C and bioflavonoids present in oranges helps to repair rough hair and reduces the risk of hair breakage. Coconut oil and yogurt add moisture to hair and scalp by reducing dandruff and making your rough dull hair super smooth and shiny. All you need is 1 full cup of yogurt, ¼ cup of orange juice and coconut milk, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 whole egg to mix them all thoroughly in a bowl making a thick whip paste. Apply on damp hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave it for 10 -15 minutes and wash it well with a mild shampoo.
8. Aloe vera and Honey
Aloe vera is just not for skin and sunburns. Aloe vera is great for hair care that makes hair follicles strong and healthy. It also keeps the scalp hydrated and cool. Honey gives moisture to your hair and makes hair smooth and soft. Aloe vera and honey is one of the effective homemade hair conditioners that keeps your hair strong, silky and healthy for a long time if used on regular basis. Mix two equal amounts of aloe vera gel and honey. Blend them well and apply to your hair and scalp after shampoo leaving it for 5 minutes rinse with water.
9. Eggs, Honey and Olive Oil
Eggs for hair conditioning is one of the most traditional remedies, gives shiny and silky hair. Honey makes hair strands strong from their follicles by keeping scalp healthy and olive oil is known for its moisturizer locking nature which keeps hair well hydrated and moisturized. You need eggs, olive oil, honey, regular vinegar and some lemon juice. Beat 2-3 egg yolks and whisk it properly. Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar and lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of honey to mix them all thoroughly making a thick whipped paste. Apply on your hair and scalp after washing your hair and keeping it for 10 minutes wash your hair thoroughly but with a mild scented shampoo, because eggs do stink.
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10. Mint Leaves and Tea
Mint and tea mixture is very useful and beneficial homemade hair conditioner for hair especially oily hair. The plant sterols present in mint leaves and tea naturally strengthen your hair from the follicles giving them a shiny and silky texture. Mint leaves give a cooling effect to your scalp and reduces fungal or bacterial infections. All you need is 2 tablespoons of tea leaves and a handful of chopped mint leaves to boil them in 3 cups of water till it get reduced to the half of the former solution. Strain the solution and let it cool. After washing your hair rinse with the mint and tea solution to get smooth and silky and shiny hair.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.