9 Homemade Butter Advantages You Must Know
We all love to indulge in some extra butter in our toasts, pizzas, pop corns, etc and we can’t resist our temptation once we have a look at the yummy, golden, melting and rich texture of butter. The raw butter has a unique taste that can even add a zing even to the simplest dishes. In most countries of the world, butter is extensively used in day to day cooking and even though, it is one of the most dreaded food items for health conscious people, still its use is on the rise. A decade earlier, consumption of butter was considered to be the major cause for rising case of heart problems and obesity. But the recent medical studies have revealed that butter has hardly any significance on the high cholesterol levels, heart disease and weight gain.
But in ancient times, people used to have enough time and dedication to relish the pure homemade butter or even cultured butter (butter made from fermenting cream for 8 to 9 hours). The modern life has eventually caused a change in people’s outlook and lifestyle. People now look for instant options and they find it easier to purchase those commercially manufactured butter. Salt, artificial flavours and preservatives ruin the taste of original butter and they even lack the essential nutrients, which is retained in the butter prepared at home.
Homemade butter is rich in taste and nutrition as it gives the body with necessary fats that ensures proper lubrication for the functioning of different body parts and these fatty acids are great for heart health, vision, longevity, hormonal balance, energy and for boasting a supple skin. While store bought butter tastes great, but you aren’t sure about its content and now when adulteration in food stuffs are becoming common, you need to opt for homemade products to ensure purity. To know how to indulge in having an extra blob of butter without causing harm to your health, you need to first learn how to make homemade butter:
- If you want to have sweet butter, then use fresh cream and if you want to have cultured butter, then use the cream that has been kept in the room temperature for around 8 hours.
- Pour the cream in the food processor and blend for 3 to 5 minutes.
- As you see the cream separating from the buttermilk, blend for another two minutes.
- Now pour it in a large bowl while straining it with a strainer.
- Press the butter collected in the strainer with a wooden spatula to separate the buttermilk from it.
- Transfer the buttermilk in a glass and now you need to wash the butter to ensure that not a single drop of buttermilk is remaining.
- Put the butter back into the food processor and add ice cold water. Blend for 3 minutes.
- You will see that some more buttermilk has released. Strain it again.
- Repeat the procedure twice or thrice till the butter stops releasing buttermilk.
- Form the butter into a ball and dry it using a tissue paper. Store it in an air tight container and refrigerate. Prepare small quantities frequently as this butter cannot last for more than a week.
Now that you have learnt how to prepare your homemade ultra delicious butter, you need to understand what are the 9 homemade butter advantages you must know:
Expensive But Healthy
It is a fact for sure that churning butter at home is much expensive in comparison to the store bought butter as the homemade butter is made by accumulating pure cream and it takes little extra time and effort too to prepare it. In case of store bought butter, they are prepared in factories and companies know how to keep the amount low to promote their stuff. But you cannot guarantee the purity of butter purchased from markets. You will never be able to differentiate between a pure and adulterated butter bought from the market as many of the brands even resort to adding vegetable oils to lower the cost. Moreover, flavours and preservatives too cause harm. Homemade butter contains vitamin A, lauric acid and antioxidants to protect you from infections and from free radical effect.
Tastes Better
If you make a deep analysis of the taste of the homemade butter and store bought butter, then you will easily agree that homemade butter tastes better than store bought butter. You will sense a different freshness and sweet and salty taste, which will convince you to make the habit of churning your own butter. Moreover, since butter available at stores are mostly salted, you can prepare your own unsalted homemade butter or less salty as per your preference.
You May Feel Satisfied Of Being Safe From Preservative Added Butter
You can at your own discretion decide what you want to include in your butter. You may wish to have the milk sourced from dairy to ensure that your butter is made out of the cream of milk extracted from grass fed cows and buffaloes. You may even don’t want to use the pasteurised milk as it is a processed one. In addition, homemade butter is loaded with great texture and higher fat concentration which will help you make wonderful bakery dishes. At the end, you are much satisfied using homemade butter in comparison to store bought butter.
Good For Your Heart Health
Cholesterol are not bad for the body. It is in fact, a necessity of the body. There are bad cholesterols called LDL which needs to be controlled in the body for good heart health. Homemade butter prepared from cream of cow’s milk comprises more of good cholesterols and contains lecithin that stimulates cholesterol metabolism and ensures that the flood of blood in the body is seamless. It also has antioxidants that repairs the weakened arteries and makes them flexible and unclogs it. It has been studied that homemade butter has immense source of conjugated linoleic acid that protects the body from cancer, helps in muscle building and increases immunity levels, while the saturated fats have strong anti-tumour properties.
You Cannot Get Organic Or Raw Butter In Markets
The butter available in markets are commercially prepared by using pasteurised and homogenized milk. Even though these milks are not bad for health, but the process with which it is used to make butter kills its nutrition content. The milk is harshly heated and pressure processed in a manner that all the essential enzymes and sensitive nutrients get destroyed. This in addition causes the product to be filled with rancid fats and oxidised cholesterol that is not good for health. The organic or raw butter can be prepared easily at home and you cannot trust if someone actually is selling organic butter.
Has High Content Of Enzymes
The enzymes lost in the process of commercial preparation of butter is retained in homemade butter. These enzymes are in abundant quantities and are helpful in protecting teeth from decay, lubricates the joints, aids in calcium and mineral absorption and helps in development of brain and nervous system in children.
Is Great For Pregnant & Lactating Women
Homemade Butter is a wholesome package of nutrition for people of all ages and the consumption of homemade butter is compulsory for pregnant and lactating women in many regions of the world. It is said that if pregnant and lactating women eat good quantity of butter each day, then it is good for the development of brain, bones and teeth of the infant and the quality of the milk also enhances, which ensures proper growth of the infant.
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Helps In Protecting Against Gastrointestinal Infections
As we are modernising, our lifestyle and food patterns are gradually undergoing changes. We are getting more dependant on packaged food stuffs or junk food. Therefore, it has been seen that people of all ages suffer from stomach pain, acid reflux and gastrointestinal infections. Since homemade butter has good amount of anti-fungal properties, it helps in protecting and treating such stomach problems.
Great For Skin
Homemade butter is devoid of any artificial flavours or preservatives and is packed with the choicest nutrients and anti-oxidants that are great for having a luscious and glowing skin. It protects skin from infections and ensures that moisture gets retained in the skin deeply. It has anti-ageing properties too to keep skin protected from wrinkles and pigments.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.