Holistic Care for your Mental Health Concerns

Mental Health Concerns

It can be difficult dealing with the challenges in daily life such as the impact of trauma, the loss of a loved one, or even medical illnesses. This may cause depression and a negative form of living. This does not have to be the case. North Chelmsford psychotherapy and counseling provide a variety of effective therapies for you and your family to help you cope through the tough time and live a normal healthy life.

What is the difference between psychotherapy and counseling?

Psychotherapy is a long-term treatment that aims to address the mental and emotional-based health conditions of a person. It involves talking to a qualified therapist to eliminate the symptoms and increase your chance of wellness. Psychotherapy helps in coping with the challenges in daily normal living including traumatic disorders, grieving and loss, depression, and medical illness. Your counselor addresses the real cause of a problem to provide a lasting solution. Counseling on the other hand is a short process that seeks to offer solutions and pieces of advice on an immediate issue of concern. Counseling targets a particular situation and offers services such as couples therapy, family therapy, and addiction counselors.

What psychotherapeutic techniques are available?

Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates have a team of experienced personnel that will help you through the different available therapeutic techniques. There are different methods your therapist may use to help you get better. This may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

This type of therapy treats a variety of issues and is the most preferred because it is quick to identify a challenge. It addresses emotional issues such as stress, coping with grief, managing emotions, and dealing with medical illness.

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

This is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that aims to help you live in the present, control your emotions and adopt healthy ways of dealing with stress. It is useful if you may have developed disorders such as eating disorders. It may also be used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Who can benefit from psychotherapy and counseling?

There are many areas of your mental health, emotional and behavioral concerns that the team at Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associate can address. If you have any of the following concerns, they may offer you an outstanding therapy and holistic care to help you cope and live a normal healthy life:

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Substance abuse
  • Grief and loss

Your therapist may ask questions to gain information about your condition and understand your situation. You may then be given a treatment plan to help towards your wellness so that the emotions will not affect your relationships, work, or other aspects of your life. The team is resourceful and may offer you other personalized care for your mental health issues and behavioral conditions. Your therapist may also recommend medications to go along with the talk therapy and help you manage well.

If you need help and guidance during a tough time, visit Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates for a positive difference or book your appointment online today.


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