History of Agile Innovation
This post was last updated on March 27th, 2022
Agile is one of the most popular software development methodologies that is widely used all across the globe. The popularity of Agile is because of its intentions on flexibility. Albeit, agile is a methodology that originated as a result of advancements in technology.
Today, most of the companies have embraced Agile processes in their business processes in one way or the other. However, they still need time in adopting these programs fluently. There’s a misconception in the present world that agile methodology is the same as the ‘Scrum’. But the truth is Scrum is a subset of agile. This is because of the wide popularity that scrum has gained and plenty of people choosing to get online scrum master certification from various tutors.
Well, don’t worry, we shall take you through the history of agile methodology.
Agile & the History of Software Development Methodologies
Agile took its first breath when a team of 17 people belonging to various development methodologies were trying to brainstorm an innovative and alternative software development method to enhance the pace of development and reduce documentation requirements.
During those days, the software development used to take a huge amount of time. In many cases, it was seen that during the time of project delivery, the businesses used to progress much further. It caused chaos as the requirements of software would have changed by then. Hence, the software development projects were failing to meet business requirements, even though it was meeting the specified objectives that were given in the beginning.
Hence, the maestros of various software development methodologies grouped to come up with a result called “Agile Manifesto”. But this is not the agile that is present in organizations today. The methodology those champions agreed upon was considered as fast and ‘lightweight’. But the chief success of that meeting was they realized that faster delivery and constant feedback on a project is the key to succeed in software development.
Agile software development lets a team develop a complex project more efficiently and effectively. It also comprises the best practices that employ iterative and progressive techniques which can be adopted easily and have great results.
And now, there are various kinds of agile based method and methodologies. These methods and methodologies provision all the requirements of software development niche ranging from software design, architecture, development, and testing to managing the project and deliverables.
That said, agile methods and methodologies also pave the way for improving the process during each delivery in a project.
Agile methodologies: Types of Software development
There are many agile methodologies in practice across the globe such as Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming, and Lean.
As mentioned before, Scrum is a well-liked agile framework. And we can say that most people consider Scrum as synonymous to the ‘Agile’ as well. However, it is a misconception that most people possess. Scrum is just a structure or system used to implement the agile.
Questions may arise, what was the need for Scrum when there is the Waterfall model’s Software Development Life Cycle. But the waterfall model had a flaw. In this model, you can’t proceed to the next phase until the first phase is complete. And if unfortunately, if you get to make any changes in the later stages of the cycle, then there’s a burden of going back to an earlier phase of the cycle to implement the changes accordingly. Hence, the agile methodology was unveiled to overcome this issue.
To define it clearly, the word Scrum is taken from the popular sport Rugby. In Rugby, all players gather and engage in interlocked positions pushing the opponents. Every player in the team will have a definite position where he can play offensive or defensive depending on the situation of the match.
So similar to this, the IT industry uses Scrum for developing the teams and empowering them with defined roles. Primarily, there are three roles in an IT Scrum, Product Owner (PO), Scrum Master (SM), and the development team comprising developers and testers. They all work in defined time called as SPRINTS.
This agile method begins with accumulating the incomplete or priority tasks by the Product Owner. It contains the list of tasks to be completed by the Scrum team. Then Scrum team chooses the priority tasks from the lists and completes them within the allotted time referred to as a Sprint.
To understand this methodology well and implement it in your projects successfully, then scrum master online training will definitely help you. Here you can also check the best CSM Course in Jeddah.
Final words
Agile methodology is a success of many fathers (Engineers who worked over the years in implementing it). That is the reason why we hear a lot about ‘agile innovation’ nowadays. We see that projects done under agile methodologies are completed faster than the other methods. It helps you keep the customers happy as well lets you enjoy your work. We can say that Agile has unarguably changed the way of using the software development life cycle. Some of the vets in the industry say that Agile is going to grow far beyond the IT industry.
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