Benefits of Highly Fibrous Diet
This post was last updated on December 1st, 2021
Source: Muscle and fitness
When it comes to healthy diet or healthy food, the buzzwords that start doing rounds in our head are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein diet to name a few. However, high fiber diet can also do wonders for our body and is the number one nutrient that is less consumed by many of us. Eating foods high in dietary fiber does much more than just keep us regular. It lowers the risk for heart disease, heart stroke, and diabetes, improves skin health, and also helps in losing weight. It also prevents colon cancer. But, most of us are having very less amount of dietary fiber in our diet.
What is Fiber?
Fiber, which is also known as roughage, is the nothing but the part of plant-based foods i.e. grains, nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables that the body or our digestive system can’t breakdown. The only role of fibrous food is to pass through our body being undigested, keeping our digestive system clean, healthy and easy for bowel movements. It also flushes out cholesterol and harmful carcinogens out of our body.
Fibers are of two types, that is insoluble fiber and soluble fiber.
- Insoluble fibers don’t get dissolve in water. It is the most bulky fiber that prevents constipation, and is found in wheat cereals, whole grains, and vegetables such as carrots, celery, and tomatoes.
- Soluble fiber, those get dissolve in water and helps controlling blood sugar level and reduce cholesterol too. Soluble fibers are found in barley, oatmeal, nuts, beans and fruits such as apples, pears, berries and citrus fruits.
Now, many foods comprise both soluble and insoluble fiber. Generally, the more natural and unprocessed the food is, the higher it is in fiber. But, there is no fiber in dairy products, meat and sugar. The food which are refined or known as “white” foods, such as white bread, white rice, and pastries, have had most of their fiber removed.
Benefits of Dietary Fiber Food
Yes, fiber gives you a healthy and effective way to stay regular. But this is not the only reason why we should start including more fiber in our diets. Various studies have concluded how eating a diet which high in fiber can boost up your immunity and your entire health, helping you to look young and feel your best. Here are the benefits
1. Fiber do wonders for dynamic Digestive system
Dietary fiber improves bowel movements by bulking up faecal matter and making them easier to pass through rectum. This can help in the prevention of both constipation and diarrhea. Eating plenty of fiber also reduces your risk for diverticulitis which is called inflammation of the intestine, gallstones, Hemorrhoid quick fix, kidney stones, providing some benefit for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Recent studies have also highlighted that a high-fiber diet also lowers gastric acid and reduce the risk for gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) and ulcers too.
2. Fiber gives healthy Heart
Fiber, especially soluble fibers, are very essential element for any healthy-heart diet. Eating a diet including high fiber improves cholesterol level by reducing LDL that is bad cholesterol. And high fiber intake may also reduce your risk for metabolic syndrome, many risk factors associated to coronary heart disease, diabetes, and heart stroke. Fiber also lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, improve level of HDL that is good cholesterol, and shed excess weight around the abdomen too.
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3. Fiber helps in reducing Weight
Fiber is a key factor in both weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. High fiber intake can help you feel full sooner. As fiber stays longer in stomach as compared to other foods, the fullness feeling will stay with you much longer, that makes you eat less. High-fiber foods especially fruits and vegetables are lower in calories, so by including fiber to your diet, cuts calories easily. However, there are some other ways in which a high fiber intake can help in weight loss. Fiber regulates your blood sugar levels, which helps you in maintaining body’s fat-burning capacity and avoid insulin spikes which leaves you feeling evacuated and craving for unhealthy foods. Eating plenty of fiber removes fat through your digestive system at a very fast rate so that less of it can be absorbed.
4. Fiber reduces Diabetes risk
High fiber intake, especially the insoluble fiber from cereals can lower the risk for type 2 diabetes. If you already have diabetes, then eating soluble fiber food can lower the rate of absorption of sugar improving blood sugar levels.
5. Fiber reduces Cancer risk
According to recent research studies, eating a high-fiber diet help preventing colorectal cancer. Diets which are rich in high-fiber foods are also associated to a lower risk for few common digestive system cancers, such as stomach, mouth, and pharynx.
6. Fiber foods can enhance Skin health
The most important reason of acne outbreak is excretion of yeast and fungus through the skin. But, high fiber intake especially psyllium husk which is a type of plant seed, can flush out toxins out of your body, enhancing the skin health and your skin’s appearance.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.