High Alkaline Herbs to Turbocharge Your Health and Diet

This post was last updated on September 5th, 2020

alkaline herbs

These are drastic times. The world is undergoing a challenge that will last for months or worse, even years. COVID – 19 is taking the globe by storm and still doesn’t show any signs of stopping soon. That is why it is ideal to stay healthy and build up immunity and endurance for the long road ahead. Exercise, hygiene and right choices for food are the best ways to keep this unseen enemy at bay. But sometimes, even though there is imminent danger, people still tend to go astray from the path that will deliver them from this pandemic.

Having an acidic body usually leads to an unhealthy one, that is why it is best to turn around and make amends, and the right choice would be Alkaline herbs! Yep herbs! Though unappealing to some, these little green blessings actually make you healthier than horse. Remember that a healthy body leads to a better immune system and diet which does the most important job in the body, and that is to protect it from unwanted invaders and ensure proper digestion of nutrients. So if you want to become healthier and make sure that your digestion is right on track, here are some herbs from Alkaline herbs shop that will turbocharge your health and diet. You can also check alkaline eclectic herb bundles here.


Garlic is, according to folklore, the most hated herb to the vampire kind but one of the healthiest to humans because of its high alkaline properties. It is very aromatic and is used to treat hypertension and wounds as an antiseptic. Also, it has anti-carcinogenic as well as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which is perfect for treating fungal and bacterial infections. Garlic has been used for generations in the culinary world and is not peculiar to the human tongue that is why it is very easy to consume. Just be aware of the smell.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root is considered to be one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs that exists. It is so effective that it has been used for generations as a substitute for anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually it is consumed by brewing it into a tea and surprisingly, it will taste a little bit like fresh ground coffee. It also has anti-carcinogenic properties making one of the best choices for alkaline herbs.


This wonderful herb/root has been used as tea, aromatics for countless generations and has proven to be worthy to be called alkaline. Its popularity as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-ulcer has grown tenfold because of its effectiveness. It is also used today to meet body sugar equilibrium and arthritis treatment. It can be consumed as tea or incorporated in dishes as an aromatic. This herb is indeed legitimately Alkaline.

Burdock Root

Lastly, Burdock root is a fine choice when you want to enhance your immune response. It strengthens the lymphatic system which is responsible for the defense system of your body. It also neutralizes the acidity in the bloodstream, resulting in perfect pH balance. Also, it contains lots of vitamins and minerals that will greatly help the body maintain its healthy state.

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