Here’s How Antioxidants Are A Boon To Our Health
Lately we have been hearing more and more about antioxidants and how they can bring significant changes in our overall health. Many researchers have found that some foods are blessed with loads of antioxidants that can boost immunity level, prevent premature ageing of the body and improve the defence mechanism of the body against the lifestyle diseases emerging from the sedentary lifestyle we have opted to live.
What Are Antioxidants?
Basically antioxidants are molecules that help in stopping the process of oxidation, which causes severe damage to cells in our body. In order to keep our cells in great health and even prevent life threatening diseases like cancer that results from free radical effect caused by oxidation process, we must consume foods rich in antioxidants such as lots of fresh fruits and vegetables without subjecting them to cooking procedures that can reduce their nutritive value.
What Are The Benefits One Can Derive From Consuming Antioxidant Rich Foods?
Our body naturally produces oxidants to ensure protection against bacteria and viruses. But when oxidants grow in large amounts, free radicals start getting produced, which may in turn, cause damage to cells to such severe extent that the body becomes perfect host for serious illnesses like heart disorders and cancer. Air pollution, smoking and excessive intake of alcohol too can be potential causes for the build up of free radicals in the body.
There are however, some mighty foods such as fruits and vegetables which comprise of antioxidants in ample quantity that have the super power of fighting off the free radical effect. Antioxidants are skin’s best friend and therefore protect skin from disorders resulting from over exposure to UV rays. Apart from boosting immunity and maintaining skin’s agility and youth, regular consumption of foods rich in antioxidants can provide protection from eye disorders, obesity and allied diseases and memory related problems.
Off late, the changing lifestyle has compelled people to resort to junk foods and packaged foods laden with chemical preservatives that induce toxins and several kinds of poisons into the body. This is why intake of antioxidants can prove a life saver and here is a list of 15 power foods packed with abundant antioxidants that must be added to your daily diet:
1. Green & Red Bell Peppers
One of the most commonly known sources of antioxidants is bell peppers. Both red and green bell peppers are packed with cancer fighting properties, specifically red bell peppers that contain ample amounts of antioxidant named lycopene. This is why, patients suffering from cancer (initial stage) are advised to have green and red bell peppers on daily basis.
2. Green Tea
The immensely popular health drink is not only a great way to control blood pressure, lose weight, and reduce bad cholesterol levels but they get abundant amounts of antioxidants from catechin polyphenols. These antioxidants help in preventing cancer while keeping your skin healthy.
3. Apples
Medical studies have suggested that the skin of fruits and vegetables are more nutritious than the fruit or vegetable itself. This is why the skin of apple is known to be rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps your body in getting rid of toxins.
4. Blueberries
Berries belong to the citrus family and all citrus fruits are stored with great amounts of vitamin C and even antioxidants. While most berries have anti-ageing properties, blueberries in particular are rich in essential antioxidants that can fight off host of diseases in the body.
5. Dark Chocolates
Dark chocolates are not only a healthy substitute to satisfy your sweet temptations but also are packed with great variety of antioxidants that help in flushing out toxins from the body and strengthens your body’s defence mechanism.
6. Plums
Plums taste great whether eaten as fresh fruit or a dry fruit. They are naturally rich in phytochemicals that work great as antioxidants and having them regularly can give your skin a new lease of life.
7. Broccoli
This vegetable largely falls under the category of superfoods as broccoli contains more calcium than milk and more vitamin C than most citrus fruits. In addition to various kinds of antioxidants, broccoli also comprises of phytonutrients like Sulphoraphane that can defend the body against the free radical effect.
8. Raspberries
Another nutrition packed fruit from the berry family is raspberry. These berries comprise of an antioxidant called proanthocyandins which ensures dual protection from elements that can cause cancer and heart diseases.
9. Garlic
Garlic not only helps in bringing life to many foodstuffs but they are extremely nutritious and performs the function of removing stubborn metallic toxins from the body, which can prove to be potential causes of cancer.
10. Red Kidney Beans
While the bean family itself is rich in varied nutritive values, the red kidney beans in particular are the best of all. Not only they are rich in fibre but also come concentrated with antioxidants that provide anti-ageing benefits to your body.
11. Green Beans
Though green beans cannot match up to the amount of antioxidants stored in red kidney beans but they are also a great source of fibre, antioxidants and starch, which makes them a heart healthy food.
12. Tomatoes
Similar to red bell peppers, even tomatoes are rich in antioxidant named lycopene and therefore include tomatoes in your diet to keep your body safe from cancer causing free radicals.
13. Eggs
Not many people are aware that eggs are not just good source of protein but also are a super food that comes with antioxidants to ward off the free radicals from the body.
14. Oranges
One of the most easily available citrus fruit is orange, which comes packed with high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants.
15. Raisins
While grapes may not be a great source of antioxidants, but when dried in the form of raisins, their antioxidant properties increase by a whopping three fold. So grab a fist of raisins to substitute for an unhealthy snack and gift your body with increased strength to fight deadly diseases.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.