Here Are 4 Numbers That Reinforce the Need for Bike Insurance

Bike insurance is extremely important. It helps you walk away from the financial costs of an accident relatively unscathed. Given this fact, you’d think that all bike owners would take it seriously right? But that’s not the case – many completely neglect their two wheeler insurance once it expires. In fact, out of the 19 crore vehicles in India, only 8.26 crore are insured; meaning that close to 60% of all vehicles in India are uninsured, a majority of which are bikes & scooters.

This is an alarming figure & we felt the need to further highlight the need for motorbike insurance. Not through words, but through stats & figures. After all, numbers don’t lie and we hope the numbers mentioned in this article help drive home the importance of two wheeler insurance.

The first number is 3.

That’s the number of months you could be locked up for if you get caught riding without bike insurance. Though it is unlikely to happen, it is still a very real possibility. We thought we should open with this number to let people know what they are risking every time they defer their two wheeler insurance renewals.

The second number is 1000.

If you don’t get hit with 3 months of jail time, you will be slapped with a fine of Rs. 1000. The surprising bit here is that it people don’t mind paying this amount even though renewal of basic third party insurance would cost much less than this. Sure, you might not get caught, why endure the stress of seeing a cop when you’re riding without valid insurance? Just get the insurance and ride with complete peace of mind!

The third number is 70.

That’s how many bikes are stolen in the capital city of Delhi. Not in a month, not in a week but every day! It might not seem like much when you consider just how many bikes there are in Delhi, but it will hurt if it is your bike that’s added to the statistics. The worst part is that it’s not just Delhi; over 5000 bikes were stolen in Bengaluru last year, whereas Mumbai sees nearly 7 bikes robberies every day.

One way to ensure it doesn’t happen to you is to install the right safety features. However, even that won’t stop a determined thief and the best way to protect yourself from such an event is to get comprehensive two wheeler insurance. It will ensure you get compensation for a stolen bike and can smile in the face of a stolen vehicle.

The fourth number is 4,64,910.

That’s how many accidents happened in India in 2017. We are expecting the number for 2018 to around the same number, maybe a little lower. Among these 4 lakh plus accidents, around 1.4 lakh of them were fatal and a majority of these fatal accidents, around 40k to be a little more accurate, were bike accidents. Bike riders are exposed to the most risk, a fact that only highlights the importance of two wheeler insurance.

We hope these numbers help people realize the importance of bike insurance. Always remember to ride safe & keep alert on the road.

Good luck and always wear a helmet!


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