10 Healthy Traits You Get Accustomed to Once You Reach Your Fitness Goal
It certainly takes a lot of hard work and undeterred determination to accomplish our fitness goal. Many people get discouraged reaching mid way just because they are not satisfied with the results. But people who plan their fitness goal with a detailed action plan and adhere to it strictly are hell bent on attaining their desired fitness level.
Your fitness goal may be to have that great celebrity-like physique or you are just paving a better foundation for your health in old age. But when you reach your goal, what does it actually feel like? You feel happy, contented or on top of the world. If you are expecting to reach your fitness goal and instantly become damn famous and people start loving you, then forget about these things as there will be a sense of achievement that will overpower all these feelings.
There are many people in this world who have successfully managed to transform themselves not only to be fitter and healthier but to show others that they don’t deserve to be embarrassed. They deserve respect and kindness like others. There are many people who can inspire others by their fitness stories and these 10 healthy traits that they got accustomed to after you reaching their fitness goal:
You Get Inspired By Looking Yourself At The Mirror
The days are gone when you hated to look in the mirror for long and you spent lot of time in dreaming to get the desired physique by chanting some magical words. Now looking in the mirror gives you satisfaction and fills you with confidence. You feel great to see the new you and this inspires you to keep the efforts going so that you maintain your new and fabulous body.
You Challenge Yourself For More Intense Workout
Working out no more feels like a punishment. Earlier waking up early, putting your love handles to work hard and enduring pain from stiffened muscles used to be a punishment for you. But now that you know how those activities has transformed you, workout has become a game for you. You have ditched the laziness and now you challenge yourself to run faster and for long distances to test your level of endurance. You don’t want to get stagnant. Being progressive is your cherished virtue.
You Prefer Taking Stairs
Taking stairs is no more a painful exercise for you. You don’t need to convince yourself to workout more to burn those bounty of calories. You are just enjoying taking the stairs as you know that this habit is going to keep you active and healthy forever. You just don’t want to limit this to your exercise regime. You have made this habit an integral part of your lifestyle.
You Prowess In Controlling Your Calorie Consumption
You have become so calories conscious that you don’t have to count calories any more. You have become so adept in managing your platter that you don’t have to force yourself to control your cravings for desserts and junk food. This habit is now so ingrained in you that consuming such unhealthy calories is a sin for you. But you make sure that for the hard core workout, you are taking enough carbs!
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You Love Eating Healthy Food
You don’t have to fight that never ending debate in your mind that one chocolate will or won’t harm your new proportions. You don’t need to find excuses or curse yourself for not fulfilling your desires. After being so much habitual of eating healthy food, you don’t actually feel like gorging on those heavy calories as you are aware what bite size pieces of chocolate had made you look like over the time. You are clever enough to go for some dry fruits to put your temptations at bay.
You Don’t Think Of Skipping Your Exercise Regime
You won’t believe that you were the same person who used to find excuses to skip the workout routine just to sneak into the bed for another hour. You hardly believed in the benefits of dedicating yourself to series of physical activities. Since you have been introduced to a fitter you by working out, you cannot stop yourself from exercising everyday. You have become a person who works out more if you can’t go jogging due to the weather outside. You are typically enjoying the wonderful change in your psychology.
People Start Noticing The Fitter You
Who doesn’t love appreciation? You cannot stop blushing when people compliment you for being fit and healthy. They ask your workout routine and take health advises from you. You have built a positive image of yourself as an active and healthy person. However, there will be people who will be envy of you! But never mind, be confident and maintain your fitness.
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You Cheat Your Diet Sometimes Without Feeling Guilty
Sometimes listening to the calls of those yummy French fries or strawberry cheesecake is worthy for all the efforts you are taking. When you know that you are burning enough calories, then cheating your routine and enjoying those heavenly delicacies at family functions or with friends is a treat that you have earned. Just go for it occasionally!
You Respect Your Trainers
You have no words to thank your trainers for helping you get a new lease of life. You love your trainers for sharing their best tips with you and helping you in transforming from inside out. They have accompanied you while you were at pain and have treated you well despite how unfit you were before. You automatically start respecting them.
You Never Get Embarrassed When People Look At You
Remember the time you prayed to God so that people avoid staring at your uneven curves. You used to get so embarrassed when your flabs used to flash out from those lovely dresses you wore to woo others. Now this has become a thing of the past. You now love the attention you get from people as you are no longer embarrassed to meet people.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.