11 Signs That Indicate You Are In A Healthy Relationship
The moment you are born, you have a number of relationships and as you grow, your rapport with your family members keep on changing. You have to keep your relationships maintained because of your social and emotional needs. Many of your relationships such as with your parents and siblings are priceless for you. But as you enter the phase of marriage, your priorities change. Your spouse and your kids become your first priority.
However, you cannot choose between your relationships but you must always pay attention to your relationship with your partner as handling marriage is a complex task. You need to set aside your ego and be empathetic when it comes to developing trust and understanding with your partner. In fact, you must always aim at maintaining a healthy relationship rather than quarreling on top of your voice and creating a drama over small matters.
For being in a healthy relationship, you must pay attention to your and your spouse’s routine activities and try to understand how they live and what their ideologies are. You must be willing to explore the behavioural changes of your spouse on different situations and must adapt to them. If you want to lead a happy married life, then you must read these 11 signs that indicate you are in a healthy relationship:
Take Decisions Collectively
If you try to be dominant in your relationship, then you are probably killing the essence of married life. You need to give equal status to your spouse and must ensure that every decision influencing them should be taken after consulting them. If you start taking decisions on the basis of your own perceptions, then you may be hurting your partner and at the same time you may lose some great advice, which your partner would have given. So the next time you take any decision, consult your spouse and you will surely avoid discrepancies.
Surprise Your Spouse
For a healthy relationship, you must keep your love life blooming and for this, you need to shower some surprises on your spouse occasionally. Surprises reprise love and care in a relation and you tend to step closer to your spouse’s heart. Plan surprise dinner, vacations or give them gifts. In case you are a husband, then it can be assured that one of the best surprises you can ever give to your wife is cooking for her. Try surprising your partner and see the instant effect of it too!
Share Everything
A healthy relationship means when you and your better half share everything whether it is your belongings or feelings or any information. If you don’t share your belongings or your feelings with your partner, then you are not letting yourself to be emotionally compatible with your spouse. When you start sharing everything with your partner, then you become best friends and you tend to feel relaxed resulting in better understanding between you two.
Keep Your Ego Aside
For a relationship to be healthy, you must keep your egotism aside and must be down to earth. If you let your ego suppress your relation, then you will become dominant and you will unintentionally be disrespectful towards your spouse. If you both have equal status in your marriage, then you both will be drawn closer to each other as you grow old together.
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Don’t Keep Secrets
Another important factor that determines whether your relationship is healthy or not is how much open you are to your partner. If you hide information from your spouse, then this indicates that you are somewhere doing something wrong that can betray your spouse. You must not keep secrets from your partner or it will create misunderstandings which will later on convert into disputes. In fact, you must keep your partner informed about all your secrets with the belief that no one is as trustworthy as your spouse.
Argue Productively Without Fighting
First of all, you must keep in mind that whenever you want to discuss a topic where your partner has a distinctive opinion, then you should enter into an argument and not in a fight! When you both argue, you must ensure that you are also a good listener so that both of you have the opportunity of placing your notions. Only then, you can get productive results or else you will end up in unproductive fighting, which will hamper your relationship.
Plan Outings
You need to keep the spark of your love life ignited by sneaking away with your partner for sometime. You need to give a break to yourself and your partner from the monotonous routine and must indulge in rejuvenating your love by planning outings on weekends or go on vacations or planning your second honeymoon. Reliving special moments with your spouse and engaging in naughty mischiefs are surely signs of a healthy relationship.
Express Your Love
You cannot afford to be introvert in your relationship. You must be frank while expressing your love for your spouse as sometimes not showing love towards them may make them feel ignored or not loved. You must indulge in cuddling and appreciating them for the way they are, so that they feel worth being in a relation with you.
Respect Each Other
In a relationship, if you respect each other’s feelings then you both are endeavouring to keep your married life healthy. But if you don’t have respect for each other’s feelings, then it is a sign that you both are ignoring each other and that you are not getting involved in making your married life happier. You must have proper understanding of each other’s feelings and must act in a way that is respectful towards others. Maintaining your dignity in public is a mutual responsibility and it should never be ignored or else your love life too will suffer from a downfall.
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Impose Complete Trust
Trust is an important factor for keeping your relationship healthy. You must not doubt your partner or indulge in practises such as following them or checking their phones. You must also not get involved in activities that can breach their trust on you. You must ensure that you give them the desired space in life and must be loyal and faithful towards your spouse. This will make your relation strong.
Try To Know Each Other Deeply
Apart from trusting your partner and respecting them, you must also ensure that you put sincere efforts in knowing them deeply. You must understand that you have a whole life to lead together and there will be endless moments of togetherness where you need to showcase your true love for them. You must know what are the likes and dislikes of your partner so that you can act accordingly. You can thereby save yourself from doing something that your spouse might not like.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.