7 Healthier Habits To Care For Your Oral And Dental Health In 2023
Another year has come, and it’s the best time to decide on your new year’s resolutions. Often, people wish to have good health, which should involve more effort and commitment on your end. Overall health means you need to include maintaining good oral hygiene and good dental habits. If you’re finding great tips for oral care this 2023, you’ve landed on the right page.
A healthy mouth and teeth yield happiness and confidence, which improve physical appearance. So, this new year, it’s best to eliminate old habits hindering you from having good teeth.
Good dental health is easy to attain if you practice healthier habits and practices like the ones below:
1. Visit Your Dentist
One of the most useful tips for good dental care is regularly visiting a dentist. However, many families and individuals ignore or take this tip for granted. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year, even if your teeth feel fine. Your dentist at durangodmd.com or your family dental clinic can detect potential problems during such visits.
Aside from a regular checkup, your family dentist can update you if there are any new or recurring issues with your mouth and teeth and will schedule cleaning sessions to prevent tartar buildup and tooth decay.
A regular checkup with the dentist is necessary even when you religiously perform all your dental care regimens. While some people prefer to visit their dentists more often, the most advisable frequency is at least twice a year. These are enough times for your dentist to recommend preventive and treatment recommendations if needed.
2. Brush Your Teeth Regularly
Brushing your teeth is one way of having healthy gums and teeth. However, some people might need help understanding the importance of this hygiene step. Some people forget to brush their teeth because they’re too preoccupied with tasks, work, and other obligations. However, skipping this step in a day could already allow plaques to grow and accumulate in your teeth.
Hence, brushing your teeth at least twice a day is advisable. While there are no strict rules about how long your brushing should take, there are tips on brushing your teeth the right way. Some brushing techniques might cause your gums to swell, so using light strokes and the right directions is important.
Your teeth should be brushed daily for good oral health and to prevent cavities and gum disease. It’s a crucial step to ensure good dental health. Thus, since bacteria in your mouth will be avoided, you can expect your overall health to improve.
3. Floss Regularly
After brushing your teeth, flossing should come right after. Some people overlook this step, and if you happen to be one of them, it’s time to change your dental regime as soon as possible. Brushing alone might not get to the hard-to-reach places on your teeth and gums. With flossing, you can access every nook and cranny in your mouth.
The key is to implement the right way of flossing. If you’re unsure how to do it right, you can seek advice from your dentist and do your research online. Ensure to get high-quality floss strings and keep them stored beside your toothbrush and dental kits so you won’t forget to use them. The best time to floss is at night when you’re getting ready for bed. It ensures that your mouth and teeth are all free of leftover foods and debris.
4. Try To Lessen Sweets Intake
This tip is for those who are a sweets-lover. As expected, sugary stuff can lead to more tartar on your teeth. If you constantly love munching on sweet snacks or chocolate bars every day, reducing your intake or cutting this habit off is best. Aside from harming your sugar levels, it could also cause serious tooth decay.
Sugary goods can attract bacteria in your mouth, leading to tooth decay. The sugar elements you consume will feed the bacteria and make them grow more. While removing sweets from your diet may be difficult, the best initial step is to reduce the portions.
There are healthier alternatives to soda, candies, and other sweet snacks. If you still want to enjoy the sweet taste without having to harm your gums and teeth, you can go for fruits instead. They have natural sweet flavors that are healthier for your dental and overall health.
5. Quit Smoking
You can skip this tip if you’re not smoking at all. However, if you do, quitting smoking should be part of your resolutions this year. You should not use tobacco to maintain healthy oral and overall health. The risk of developing mouth and lung cancer is six times greater for people who smoke. But aside from such diseases, smoking also causes tooth decay and other more complex teeth issues.
When left untreated, your teeth can worsen fast, and you won’t be able to enjoy eating or smiling anymore. As a result, bad breath can develop, teeth can stain, and gums may recede. It’s ideal to withdraw yourself from smoking gradually. While this might seem impossible to do initially, you have to start now and believe in yourself. After all, if some people can do it successfully, so can you.
6. Assess Your Toothbrush And Go For An Improved One
Another overlooked dental hygiene step is choosing and replacing the right toothbrushes. It’s commonly advised by dentists to replace toothbrushes at least every three months. Old bristles do not effectively clean teeth surfaces as they can build up bacteria over time. Chances are, you’re only retaining the bacteria from your brush to your mouth, which is unhealthy.
Another emphasis should go on the quality of the toothbrush you choose. Fortunately, the dental industry today offers a plethora of advanced toothbrush choices. There are electronic toothbrushes that offer great benefits, such as removing all the plaques and debris from every surface of your teeth. You must replace some parts when using an electric toothbrush to ensure cleanliness and good-quality brushing. You can refer to the brand’s manual or instruction guide.
7. Check Your Diet
Finally, you should check your diet to see if there are any foods in your meal plan that causes tooth decay. Avoid processed foods and sweets and stick to fruits and veggies more. Organic foods offer nutrition that can’t be found in processed ones. They also contain natural vitamins and minerals that your other body parts need to function their best.
Your dentist will be able to suggest what foods would need to eliminate from your diet plan. For instance, it’s best to avoid starchy, acidic, caffeinated, and sugary foods. When sugars and starches stick to your teeth, you can develop plaque and tooth decay.
Caffeinated and sugary drinks can stain your teeth and feed the bacteria that may lead to tooth ache and decay. The same goes for acidic beverages. They contain strong components that can infiltrate the protective outer layer of your teeth, exposing the enamel to pain and bacteria.
This year 2023, it’s important to practice good dental habits to improve your smile, confidence, and overall health. Don’t forget to visit your dentist because they can help you deal with common dental issues. Hopefully, you can follow the tips above, and you’ll be able to be a better you this new year.
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