10 Health Benefits of Whiskey
This post was last updated on October 16th, 2024
Whether you are shy or daring, irrespective of your mental disposition, every man once in a while loves to enjoy a glass of whiskey. In the past few years, with more reports of damage to organs due to excessive drinking coming to the fore, many have almost stopped enjoying their favorite brand of whiskey. But here is the good news!
You do not need to give a complete break to your habit because this old man’s drink comes with lots of health benefits too. That is why, lately the demand for this wonderful drink has been outspacing its supply due to which it has now really difficult to get a nice old bottle of whiskey of your favorite brand. So, if you do manage to get a hand to it, there is no reason as to why you should avoid few sips of this not so harmful drink.
Whiskey and Nutritional? Does that surprise you? If yes, here are the facts…
Whiskey is extremely low in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat. It has a low levels of carbohydrates. The only major content in whiskey is alcohol, but it is also loaded with organic compounds such as ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that attributes whiskey health benefitting properties.
Here is a report on top 10 health benefits of whiskey that will put a stop to all the qualms and rumors regarding this drink, although, it is beneficial only when consumed in moderation.
1. Helps Maintain Normal Weight
People often complain about losing their muscle tone or developing a beer gut due to heavy drinking. It is true; however, if you drink whiskey in moderation, it does not influence your weight gain. Since this delicious drink does not have fat and is also low on sodium, you are less likely to gain weight. Moreover, it contains simple sugar that is easily broken and provides an immediate energy to the body. So, if you opt for whiskey instead of other alcoholic drinks and drink it in moderation you are more likely to maintain ideal weight.
2. Dementia
Studies have revealed that regular intake of whiskey in moderation boosts cognitive performance and also reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Ellagic acid in whiskey has powerful free radicals fighting properties that are associated with interrupting neural pathways contributing in increasing the risk of dementia.
Scientists believe that whiskey contain properties that can help reduce the mental decline and improve the quality of life as people get older. However, doctors warn against too much use as an excess of alcohol can kill brain cells and the effect is reversed.
3. Protects Heart
Whiskey plays a key role in protecting the health of the heart. According to studies as you get older, the body system’s working become frail and its functioning deteriorates, leading to weakening of the cardiovascular system. However, those who consume whiskey in moderate amount regularly, has almost 50% lower chance of having a heart attack or stroke which is undeniably a good support for those who are already dealing with cardiovascular issues.
So, if you are having cardiovascular problems and avoiding alcohol, you can start having a small glass of whiskey to lower your heart attack risk.
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4. Prevents Formation of Blood Clots
Whiskey has been found to reduce the blood clotting incidences significantly. Blood clotting is an important function of the body, which is helpful when you are injured and the external bleeding has to be stopped. However, when the same mechanism starts causing clots in the arteries and blood vessels it can lead to serious health problem.
Atherosclerosis is one such major health condition caused due to excessive build up of cholesterol in the blood. When combined with blood clots, it can lead to heart attacks, thrombosis, strokes and death. Whiskey is known for its blood thinning properties and hence significantly reduces the risk of excess clotting. It increases the level of good cholesterol and counteracts the negative effects of the bad cholesterol thereby preventing heart problems.
5. Prevents Cancer
Cancer until some years back was almost non-curable. The advanced medications of today, has to some extent made it possible for the mankind to combat and survive this dangerous disease. Even then, the threat is always lingering. That is why; health experts are always in search of solutions that will help prevent cancer.
One of the most important health benefits of whiskey is that it can help prevent cancer. The high content of ellagic, a powerful antioxidant in the whiskey neutralizes free radicals, which are produced as the byproducts of cellular metabolism. These free radicals can cause a plethora of diseases, including heart disease, cancer, premature aging and Alzheimer’s disease. That is why, oncologists always recommend including foods and drinks that prevent cancer.
6. Controls Diabetes
Unlike other beverages like wine and cold drinks, whiskey does not increase your sugar levels. Rather, it consistently lowers the risk of diabetes as much by 30 to 40 %. Whiskey, when taken in moderate amount regularly improves your body’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels and insulin, thereby lowering the chances of developing diabetes.
7. Boosts Immunity
Some studies have come up with compelling evidence suggesting that whiskey can improve the functioning of your immune system and help the body fight the invading parasites such as bacteria and viruses. Whiskey is made from the combination of trace vitamins and antioxidants, which attributes certain anti-bacterial properties to the beverage.
8. Reduces Stress
Stress leads to several harmful health diseases including diabetes and hypertension. Apart from that, it affects you mentally and leads to poor performance at work. Proponents of whiskey testify with surety the nerve soothing effect of a stiff whiskey drink. Whiskey helps with your circulation and hence effectively relieves you from the stress after a rough day.
9. Effective in Cold and Flu
When you suffer from itchy throat or persistent cold, you can always soothe the unpleasantness caused due to sore throat with a glass of whiskey. Add a small amount of water and a lemon slice if you want to see substantial improvements.
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10. Boosts Memory
Whiskey improves memory and contributes in regulating the functioning of the nervous system. Whiskey leads to improvement in circulation due to which your brain gets an adequate amount of blood required to deliver peak performance.
These health benefits of whiskey show that you can have a small drink daily in the evening at the end of the day and enjoy the relaxation it offers without feeling any guilt as whiskey is good for health, albeit when consumed in moderation. You would do good to remember that!
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.