9 Health Advantages of Basking in the Sun
We have always known that plant synthesize sunlight for converting the light energy into chemical energy, which is stored in the form of sugars. Sunlight is very essential for the growth of plants. But since ages, it has been advocated that sunlight is equally essential for human beings as it has the energy that can have many positive effects on our health.
But in recent times, it has also been revealed that exposure to sunlight can be hazardous for our skin because of exposure to UV rays from the sun. Also different skin types have different reactions to sunlight. Some people are so sensitive to sunlight that their skin becomes red and swollen when they are exposed to sun for a mere 15 minutes. The quality of sunlight also differs from region to region across the globe and accordingly people have become accustomed to the quality of sunlight available in their region.
While it is still true that the most common reason for skin cancer is sunlight but even scientists are of the opinion that moderate sun exposure in the early morning can have healing effects. So let’s study the 9 health advantages of basking in the sun:
1. Strengthens Your Bone Health
It is well known fact that our body absorbs vitamin D from the early morning sunlight, which pro-actively leads in better absorption of phosphorus and calcium that ensures strengthening of bones. As soon as the sunlight touches our skin, a chemical reaction causes formation of vitamin D3 and it is the main factor that improves our bone density ratios by helping in regulation of calcium absorption. People who have high level of vitamin D3 in their blood are less susceptible to suffer fractures while people with lower level of vitamin D3 are more prone to suffer from fractures. Moreover, the recovery of people with lower vitamin D3 from fractures is also slower in comparison.
2. Helps In Development Of Kids
Growing children, especially infants require their quota of sunlight for around 15 minutes a day. It is generally practised to give an oil massage to the baby in its initial months in the early morning sunlight so that the baby’s bones become stronger and flexible. In many cultures around the world, people are aware that the height and strength of bones of kids and babies are very much determined by the amount of sunlight they get everyday.
3. Improves Sleep Quality
Many scientists have concluded that when the sunlight touches our eyes, a message is sent to our pineal gland located in our brain, which induces to stop production of melatonin hormone that makes us feel sleepy. Our body comes to know that it is day time and we need to be energetic to get our work done. However, as the sun sets, our mind gets the signal that we are feeling tired and sleepy as the production of the melatonin hormone begins. If you are habitual of sleeping during the day, then the production of the hormone will be less at night causing distortion in sleep habits. So whenever you feel sleepy during the day, just have a look at the sunny day outside and you will be again filled with refreshed energy
4. Helps In Brain Development
Apart from providing boost to bone health and inducing sleep hormones, the sunlight is also vital for development of brain. Many researches have studied a group of people’s vitamin D levels and have discovered a link between sunlight and effective functioning of our brain. They have concluded that basking in sunlight triggers the growth of nerve cell in hippocampus, a small region of the brain that comprises a part of the limbic system. This results in better functioning of the region responsible for storing memories and spatial navigation.
5. Good For Skin
Early morning sun has healing effects and is great for getting a natural glow on the skin. Many studies and surveys have proved that the healing properties of the sunlight can have positive effects on people suffering from acne, fungal infections, jaundice, psoriasis, etc. But it doesn’t mean that such patients should go outright and stand under the sun without consulting their dermatologists. You should be first consulting your dermatologists about the time duration of standing in the sun so that your treatment doesn’t get complex.
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6. Lowers Depression
One of the most common form of depression is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is a common condition during winter season. Moderate sun exposure releases naturally occurring antidepressants in increasing level in our brain. During winters, people love to stay indoors whether at home or at office. Thereby, lack of adequate sun exposure can make you gloomy and feel low. The sunlight releases a mood uplifting chemical called serotonin, lack of which results in mild depression.
7. Strengthens Immune System
White Blood Cells (WBCs) are an important component of blood and it is well known as the self defence system of our body. It is a fact that exposure to sunlight increases the WBCs count in the blood vessels, which directly means a boost in the immune system with increased vigour to fight diseases and infections.
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8. Prevents Certain Types Of Cancers
The main causes for breast and colon cancer is lack of vitamin D in the body. Studies have shown that people living in colder regions are more prone to suffer from such cancers in comparison to people who live in other regions where there is moderate to good amount of sunlight. Eating healthy food with moderate sun exposure can prevent breast cancer. People are gradually becoming aware of this benefit of sunlight and many kinds of vitamin D supplements are made available in areas where less sunlight is available.
9. Maintains Blood Pressure
Not only sunlight can give a boost to our immune system while keeping our bones strong, it is also very helpful in keeping us safe from heart attacks and strokes. This is because when the early morning sunlight reaches us, it releases a compound called nitric oxide, which helps in lowering our blood pressure. By maintaining our blood pressure, sunlight also ensures that our heart is healthy and we lead a comparatively long life.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.