15 Common Notions of Happy People

We all direct our actions and efforts for the end result called happiness. There are many types of people belonging to different countries, cultures, races, sex, etc.
But all strive to earn happiness for themselves and their loved ones. People who are always happy develop an attitude in themselves that determines their outlook towards life and its struggle.
Happy people tend to share some common thoughts and perceptions that inculcates in them immense source of motivation and positive approach along with the fact that they know the importance of spreading happiness. Such people are experts in controlling their emotions and they believe in staying calm and content.
So enlisted here is 15 common notions of happy people, which will guide you in finding happiness in every aspect of life:
1. Nothing Is Impossible For Them
Happy people know that all challenges in life, whether small or big, needs to be addressed. They don’t hesitate to face new challenges nor do they limit themselves from conquering their goals obstructed with barriers. They are filled with positive attitude, which bases for an undeterred determination.
2. They Know The Art of Managing Anger
People who are always happy are focused and their actions are directed towards better interests. Their every act is initiated to maintain their happiness. They don’t enter into worthless debates or fights. They are very well aware of how much energy they have and are mature enough to utilise them in the direction that generates the feeling of happiness.
3. They Don’t Equate Happiness And Money
President Franklin D. Roosevelt has uttered that “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
People do a big mistake by counting their happiness in terms of material possessions. But as you move ahead in life, you will understand that true happiness was in the experience gained by using your hard earned money in bringing smile to others’ face, in gaining new knowledge and in the positive struggle directed to achieve a respectable position in the society.
Read: Money Vs Happiness: 5 Things To Know
4. They Accept People The Way They Are
Human being is a unique creature and all of them have their own charms, fears, ideologies, cultures, success stories, failures, etc. Happy people are excellent in mingling with people with such diversities. They believe that the beauty of this world lies in being different. They know that every person has some good and some bad attributes in him/ her. They try to learn from other’s experiences so that they learn the art of accepting everything that life has in store for them.
5. They Believe Everything Happens For A Reason
Happy people are very realistic in their opinions. They have a notion that all things happen for a reason. They think that their existence in this world is for a reason and every incident or every person they meet is for a reason. They are aware that all the happenings in the world gives a lesson to someone or the other and it is the trust in themselves that instead of victimising themselves in any situation, they manage to stay calm and poised.
6. They Work For Collective Betterment
Happy people believe that they can be happy by sharing their happiness with others. They know that their happiness depends upon their own actions and that they shape their own attitude. They are empathetic and are keen to essay their role in improving lives of people. They are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of making others smile and they don’t hesitate to perform duties for benefit of the society they live in.
7. They Find Happiness In Everything
Happy people don’t wait for events to happen and in fact, they create happiness. Instead they know that happiness is discovered not made. They are habitual of finding happiness in almost everything. They know that life is too short to cry over petty things and is too long if you start appreciating every moment of life. Even the rays of the early sun has the capability of bringing a smile on their faces.
8. They Acknowledge Their Past
A person can be happy if he loves and respects himself and his past. Before accepting people the way they are, one should accept his reality and be proud of it. Truly happy people are happy with the way they have always looked, worked, behaved, etc. They don’t try to imitate others. They love their originality and their roots. They just acknowledge their past without any regrets and are ever ready to embrace the future ahead.
9. They Know That No One Is Perfect
Every person is unique in every aspect, no one can be termed as perfectly made in this world. Happy people know that no one is their exact replica in terms of thoughts and attitudes, so they don’t expect others to always act in their favour. Failure to meet an expectation causes a great deal of disappointment.
Since no one is perfect in the world, it is foolish to call oneself perfect. Striving to attain perfection can make you stressed and you gradually get depressed. So it is better to accept the reality that people’s imperfections make them special and instead of competing, people should collaboratively work to cover up their flaws and put their best foot forward.
10. Time Is Precious For Them
Time and tide waits for no man. Happy people know the importance of time and they know how to take most of it. They know the fact the we all are mortal and we have been given a period of time to live in this world. Since there is no surety of life, they love to enjoy every moment and they don’t like to waste time.
11. They love fearlessly
First of all, it is a universal fact that happy people attract more attention and people love to be associated with people who are always happy. Though everyone has the nervousness before making a proposal to the person they like, but happy people generally are good at converting challenges into a great opportunity. They are fearless and are brave enough to win the world over with their positive persona. Additionally, being in love augments your happiness by multiple folds.
12. They Abstain From Negativity And Jealousy
Human beings are emotional animals too. While few emotions trigger your hormones in the right direction, there are some emotions such as anger and jealousy that can drag you towards negativity. Moreover it is better if you stop yourself from thinking negatively or else you will end up creating issues out of nothing. You will lose your charm and pleasant attitude.
Rather the time and energy should be utilised to improve yourself. Retard these negative feelings from your mind as soon as you feel them popping up and take a step further to enjoy your happy life.
13. They Are Adaptable And Flexible In Attitude
Life is not always a bed of roses. Life is a big maze and a part of it is happiness. Being happy is a choice and choosing happiness over sadness, anger, jealousy, revenge, etc is a way of living life peacefully. Happy people believe that there is always a new beginning with a new challenge to conquer upon. These challenges faced with optimistic approach and brave heart make happy people adaptable to the ups and downs in life and they become very flexible in dealing with others.
14. They Are Always Contented
For happy people, living life is an art, which needs to be mastered. The art of living happy is learnt by analysing the importance of life, its experiences and most significantly, by learning from others’ experiences. Happy people believe in being grateful for what is bestowed upon them and they cherish the ideology of being contented with whatever they have.
15. They Are Keen To Learn New Things
Happy people don’t let their ego rule their hearts. They are people who are happy from their heart and the way they walk, talk and behave expresses it completely. They are among those great people who forget what hurt them in the past but they don’t forget what it taught them. They are keen learners and they love to grasp new lessons from daily happenings. They are constantly on the go to develop themselves intellectually and spiritually.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.