Know What Happens When You’re Sleeping?
Source: Glamour
Sleep is the best part of human life. The most peaceful and relaxing moment that every human enjoys and love to go for is sleeping when your body, mind and soul gets fully relaxed, rejuvenated and re-energized. Sleep do affects your looks, your performance rate and your system’s response. Hence, to get the most out of your sleep both quality and quantity is essential. While you sleep, your body does involve in some interesting things that is quite normal but many of you are unaware of those activities. Lack of sleep doesn’t give your body enough time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle repairing, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite. So let’s have a look on what happens when you’re sleeping.
Body temperature falls
When we go to sleep our entire body temperature drops, to get a good night’s sleep. Studies have found that insomniacs have a warmer internal body temperature than normal sleepers just before bed which is the only reason of struggling to fall asleep.
Increase in height
Not like a giant tall person, but when sleeping your body height do increases to ½ or 1 inch, as the discs present in your spine that acts as cushions between the bones, rehydrate and get larger because the weight of your body doesn’t compress them.
Weight loss
You lose weight too, but only at night. That’s because you lose water through perspiring and breathing out humid air during your night sleep. This can happen in the day time too, but eating and drinking while you are awake doesn’t make any difference for weight loss. This amazing phenomenon only happens when you’re sleeping.
Blood pressure and heart rate decreases
While you are in sleeping mode, your heart rate and blood pressure fall by about 10%. People who sleep 7-8 hours a night have the lowest rates of heart diseases that is because when you in a resting or sleeping stage your body doesn’t need to pump more blood which makes your heart rate slow down.
Sexual arousal
Like men, women too become sexually stimulated in their REM sleep. That is because their brain is more active during REM sleep though it’s dreaming it requires more oxygen which leads to activated blood flow to all parts of your body and then it causes natural clitoris engorgement which is due to blood flow to that area causing swelling.
Eye twitch
In deep sleep, there occurs rapid eye movement (or REM) with the eyes moving fast and quickly for up to 30 minutes at a time, repeating every 90 minutes. As maximum dreaming happens during REM and despite of the eyes moving intensely, the bodies are extremely relaxed which helps us to stay asleep.
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Generation of gas
It’s quite awkward but the true fact is during your sleep your sphincter muscles gets loosened slightly making it easier to let out your gas toot. And as you’re in sleep you can’t control those muscles, which is a very embarrassing thing that happens when you’re sleeping. But the good news is during sleep your sense of smell doesn’t work, neither your spouse’s.
Full-body spasm
Almost 70% of people while sleeping experience the full-body jerk which is quite a normal phenomenon, in which muscles suddenly contract called as hypnic jerk. Experts say that this phenomenon occurs due to stress, anxiety and irregular sleeping pattern
Collagen production in skin increases
The fresh face that we get after a good night’s sleep is for temporary sometimes because it may be caused by water accumulating under the skin. Water makes the wrinkle go flat and invisible, but get drained away an hour after we get up, making the wrinkles reappear.
Sleep paralysis
This happens many times when you wake up in the morning and realize you can’t move your muscle or speak but it just lasts for several seconds to several minutes, but it’s completely terrifying. Apparently it’s the opposite of what happens with hypnagogic jerks, where the brain wakes up before the paralysis goes away.
Release of hormones
There are many hormones that get released while you sleep like growth hormones that are essential for growth and development, including muscle development. Levels of the cortisol hormone increase over night to promote alertness in morning. Lack of sleep leads to obesity because of an imbalance in the hormones that regulate appetite. A good and quality sleep lowers the level of ghrelin that triggers appetite, and increases the level of leptin.
Activated immune system
Sleep leads to healthy immune system, balancing our appetites by helping to regulate levels of the hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which play a role in our hunger and fullness feelings. That is why when you’re sleep deprived you get hunger pangs mostly at night, which can lead to weight gain. Lack of sleep can affect the ability of the immune system to fight infections, making the body vulnerable to viruses that cause colds and flu.
Dried mouth
When you sleep at night, saliva flow gets reduced which results in a dry mouth in the morning. 1 out of 10 adults tend to grind their teeth unconsciously at night, which is known as bruxism. This reaction is researched to be caused by stress.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.