Cultivate These Winning Habits That Make You More Independent
This post was last updated on April 10th, 2024

It is not easy to be sturdy and independent, particularly when you are pampered throughout your life. Independence is an essential pre-requisite in present world. Besides having the freedom to shape your future, you also become contended with life as you can confidently lie back and proclaim that I performed it in my way.
You can easily attain autonomy in life with concentration and applying a few simple tweaks. A few habits that can make you more independent in life are:
1. Earn More
Though money can be the source of all evils, it can be your passport to total independence. Depending financially on others is a common problem in present times. You must get rid of everything be it receiving your parents’ handouts or calling your spouse to attend to everything. For residing parents who cannot take up a full-time job, a part-time job enables you to function from home. Full timers must begin hunting such jobs which can make both ends meet.
2. Prefer “me” in place of “we”
A couple or one in intimate relationship well knows the importance of teamwork in daily activities. Though partnership has a vital part in an association with another, nevertheless independence also has a big role. By depending totally on someone for support, the relationship becomes difficult to progress and gets bogged down due to single person bearing all responsibilities. Besides being unjust, this is inefficient too.
Allow your partner some space and enjoy the moments of your individuality. Schedule your personal activities, select hobbies and perform activities by yourself away from your spouse. Doing things by yourself will evolve you to a better independent person.
3. Tackle your personal problems
Treat your problems as an uncomfortable secret which you don’t want others to know. This will help you to avoid depending on others when a problem arises. Try your best to retain your problems within limits, deal with it yourself and seek other’s aid only when it is absolutely necessary. Although seeking the assistance of others is no crime, yet if you constantly depend on your friends or parents for all problems, it will make you a spineless individual.
4. Set realistic objectives
Among habits that can make you more independent are setting achievable goals. For instance, rather than making a commitment of earning one million dollars in the year, resolve to save 20 percent of your monthly salary. By keeping your goals more attainable, your chances of success by yourself will increase and your dependency on others to give you relief would diminish.
Another simple instance is to make a resolve to obtain a promotion in the current year. Don’t rely on your partners or team for feeling good. Only hard work can bring you success.
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5. Recognize that failure accompanies territory
It has been noticed that on attaining success, people develop an independent attitude to life while upon failure reliance on others to get assistance & compassion are engrained. You have to acknowledge that life has its highs and lows. Failure accompanies the field and you must know to manage it by yourself. You should avoid relying on others for bailing you out or letting them hear to your whining regarding it constantly, or asking your friends or family to evacuate you from the mess. Counter independence directly by making yourself accountable for your personal defects and mending them.
6. Hold your ground
Amongst habits that can make you more independent is to hold your ground and frame your own ideas. The reason for kids to depend on parents or mutual dependence of spouses and friends is that they hold similar ideas about life or are minimally looking the same way.
Following others will make you rely on others unknowingly as you feel required to ask everyone for approval before working or talking. This concerns viewpoints, thoughts and your approach to daily life. If you possess the power to hold your ground, be innovative and question the norm, attainment of intellectual & behavioral autonomy is a matter of time.
7. Expand your social network
To reduce dependence on your current companions & family, you must increase your social network. Upon creating new links & companions within your group, you devote greater time & energy on getting acquainted with them. This provides your key partners and family a little respite from your continuous reliance on them.
With a bigger social network, your chances increase of participating in tasks and opinions to which you are normally not exposed. This will enable you to mature and emerge more powerful, well rounded plus more independent person.
8. Make your own space
There are persons nearing 30 who prefer to be like high schoolers. Obviously, if you are tied up to your parents even now, you are far from being independent. When you face a financial crunch and saving to shift out, it makes sense. But when you can manage to head for the club each weekend, undergo incredibly lavish holidays and perform regular shopping, you can definitely afford to leave your parent’s home. Though moving out may be scary, this eventful change will surprise you.
9. Request for assistance without relying on it
It is completely right to seek help as being social creatures we require other’s support while taking up challenges. When you encounter a rut, it is not shameful to request for aid. But don’t rely on it completely.
Human nature proclaims that the probability of your putting in maximum effort to succeed by yourself is lesser if there are people on whom you can lean on. Whenever you face obstacles keep away from other’s assistance and you will understand how much tough it is for you to succeed. By acting like a single wolf occasionally will make you realize your strength.
Ultimately real independence is a mirror of your confidence in your capabilities. It has a lot of association with self-love or self-worth. Your independence increases with your feelings. You don’t require other’s guidance to show the path.
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Sujata Sanyal
Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?