5. Inquire your partner for sex

Question your partner about if they desire sex at a time when the two of you are comfortable and in serene surroundings. You might tell them the reason about why you want to indulge in sex. If it appears that your emotional bonding to them is partially lost due to lack of sex life and you wish to rejuvenate it, let your partner know. If you experience neglected due to their loss of interest, tell them. Don’t keep an accusing tone; instead communicate nonviolently to explain your feelings. Don’t pressurize your partner; instead proceed slowly if they are willing. Have the same concern & love for their body as you have for their heart & soul. Don’t be fooled by the extensive adult content on the internet about sex being that way. It is dirty and attempting to reconstruct it in actual life can grievously injure your partner bodily & emotionally. You will end up losing their whole trust if you don’t distinguish porn from reality. Don’t get disappointed if they are unwilling. You may have not committed any mistake, but each person is different. Cultivating a physical relationship requires faith in your partner, apart from plenty of self-confidence. They might feel under confident being so vulnerable with others, or they may simply desire to go slow. Keep in mind that they might have undergone unpleasant experiences previously with mates who were less concerned or caring, so keep a frank dialogue.
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