6 Essential Things to Look for in Gluten Free Protein Bars

If you haven’t noticed, gluten is a main ingredient in most foods. For those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, it’s hard to find a tasty and nutritious on-the-go snack. 

Essential Things to Look for in Gluten Free Protein Bars

Here are six essential things to look for when shopping for gluten-free protein bars. 

What to Look for in Gluten-Free Protein Bars 

These days, there are a variety of gluten free protein bars to choose from, like those from Dr. Jen’s. How do you know which is best for you?

First, decide whether you want whey protein or plant-based. Then look at the ingredients to see how many are organic – you want as much organic as possible. You also want a good source of fiber and higher protein than carbs. 

1. Taste

There are far too many natural flavors out there for you to have to choose between nutrition and taste.

A great protein bar will have the perfect balance of protein powder and flavor where your bar will not taste like sawdust. How do you determine the flavor of a gluten free protein bar without actually tasting it? 

The quick answer is – you don’t! You can only look at the ingredients and judge based on the amount of each ingredient used. 

2. High Protein, Low Carb

You’re looking for a gluten-free protein bar – a key word being protein.

Protein is the ingredient that gives you the boost you need to help create and maintain your body’s cells. When “protein bars” started becoming the go-to snack, a quick glance at the ingredients would show a moderate amount of protein and a large amount of carbs. 

When you’re looking for a fulfilling snack that tastes good, you need a protein-rich bar to keep your blood sugar balanced. It’s best to look for a bar with at least 10 grams of protein. 

3. High Fiber 

Any quality protein bar will also offer a good amount of fiber. A protein and fiber mix helps keep you full while aiding in digestion. Look for a bar that is packed with fiber – anywhere around half of your daily value is a great amount to do the trick!

4. Gluten and Allergy Friendly

When you have a gluten and/or food allergy, it’s hard to find quality protein bars. First and foremost, look for certified gluten-free products. As obvious as this sounds, there are many products that are cross contaminated in the warehouse; therefore they don’t state on the package that they’re gluten free.

5. No Sugar Alcohol 

Sugar alcohol is a popular ingredient used in protein bars to help keep the calories low and prevent blood sugar spikes. It also helps prevent hardening of bars.

Sugar alcohols such as erythritol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates are more known to cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea. 

6. All Natural 

Eating whole foods with natural ingredients is always ideal. When you find a protein bar made with all natural ingredients, you generally find a high-quality product. Plus, organic ingredients mean less (if any) pesticides resulting in higher soil enrichment nutrients. 


Now that you know the six essential things to look for in gluten free protein bars, there are also a few ingredients to avoid at all costs. These include artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and soy protein isolate. 


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