Give Your Body A Healthy Supplement of Omega3 Fatty Acids
The presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed has made it a superfood. The 3 primary Omega-3 fatty acids include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is present primarily within plant oils like soybean, flaxseed, and canola oils. EPA and DHA are available in fish and different seafood.
ALA is a key fatty acid, implying that it can’t be created by your body, therefore, you must obtain it from the beverages and foods consumed by you. Your body may transform some ALA into EPA and then to DHA, though only in extremely small amounts. So, obtaining EPA and DHA from dietary supplements and foods if you consume them comprises the only feasible way to raise concentrations of these omega-3 fatty acids within your body.
These fatty acids are major constituents of the membranes that enclose every cell within your body. DHA concentrations are particularly elevated in brain, retina (eye), and sperm cells. Omega-3s also offer calories to impart energy to your body and carry many functions within your blood vessels, heart, immune system, lungs, and endocrine system (the maze of hormone-generating glands).
Foods That Provide Omega-3s
The nutrient Omega-3s are naturally present in few foods and are included to a few fortified foods. You may obtain sufficient quantities of Omega-3s by consuming various foods, like:
- Fish and different seafood (particularly cold-water fatty fish, like salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, and sardines)
- Plant oils (like soybean oil, flaxseed oil, and canola oil)
- Nuts and seeds (like chia seeds, flaxseed, and walnuts)
- Fortified foods (like specific brands of eggs, juices, soy beverages, milk, yogurt, and infant formulas)
- Eat natural, whole, and fresh foods
- Drink tea, water, non-fat dairy and red wine (2 drinks or fewer daily for men, 1 drink or fewer daily for women)
- Stay away from trans-fats and restrict intake of saturated fats. This means escaping fried foods, commercial baked goods, hard margarine, and most packaged and processed snack foods, high fat dairy and processed meats like sausage, bacon, and deli meats
- Consume lean protein like fish, skinless poultry, and lean cuts of red meat
- Restrict glycemic foods. Glycemic foods are those composed with white flour and sugar, which raise blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar levels stimulate the pancreas to discharge insulin. Chronically raised insulin levels are believed to lead to weight gain apart from atherosclerosis of the arteries.
Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Scientists are examining Omega-3s to know how they impact health. People who consume seafood and fish possess a lesser risk of different chronic diseases. However, it is unclear whether such health benefits arise from just consuming these foods or by the Omega-3s contained in such foods. Research has revealed the following findings.
Cardiovascular Disease
Numerous studies indicate that consuming fatty fish and different kinds of seafood as a part of a healthy eating regimen helps maintain your heart health and saves you from few heart problems. Obtaining more DHA and EPA from dietary supplements or foods reduces triglyceride levels, for instance.
Infant Health And Development
During breastfeeding and pregnancy, consuming eight to twelve ounces each week of fish and various seafoods may promote your child’s health. Nevertheless, it is essential to select fish that have higher DHA and EPA and low in mercury. Examples are herring, sardines, salmon, and trout. Breast milk carries DHA. Most commercial infant formulas also possess DHA.
Prevention Of Cancer
Few studies indicate that people who obtain more omega-3s from dietary supplements and food may reduce their chance of breast cancer and maybe colorectal cancer.
Cognitive Function, Dementia, And Alzheimer’s Disease
Few research reveals that people who eat more omega-3s from food like fish may carry a lesser risk of contracting dementia, Alzheimer’s and other issues with cognitive function. Further study of the impact of omega-3s upon the brain is required.
Age-based Macular Degeneration (AMD)
AMD constitutes a primary cause of loss of vision in older adults. Researches show that people who receive higher quantities of omega-3s from the foods they consume might have lesser chance of acquiring AMD. But after someone acquires AMD, consuming omega-3 supplements does not stop the deterioration of the disease or retard vision loss.
Dry Eye Disease
Dry eye disease happens when tears don’t supply sufficient moisture, leading to discomfort in eye and vision issues. Few studies reveal that obtaining more omega-3s from supplements or foods – mostly DHA and EPA – aids relieve dry eye disease symptoms.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
RA leads to chronic pain, stiffness, swelling, and absence of function within the joints. Few clinical examinations have indicated that consuming omega-3 supplements might aid manage RA if taken along with standard RA medications and other therapies. For instance, people having RA who consume omega-3 supplements might require fewer pain-relief medication, though it is unclear if the supplements lessen swelling, joint pain, or morning stiffness.
Other Conditions
Researchers are examining whether consuming omega-3 dietary supplements may aid reduce few of the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, cystic fibrosis, and childhood allergies. However, further research is required to completely understand the potential advantages of omega-3s for these and other ailments.
Should You Supplement With Omega-3 Fatty acid
Fish oil contains EPA as well as DHA. Algae oil contains DHA and might be a nice alternative for people who don’t consume fish.
It is advisable that you should consult your physician about consuming a supplement initially. He or she might have specific suggestions, or warnings, based upon your health and the different medicines you consume. Omega 3 prescriptions are also available. Epanova, Omtryg, Lovaza, and Vascepa include DHA/DPA and are advised for adults having triglycerides 500 mg/dl or above. As against fish oil supplements, these drugs are certified and monitored for safety and quality by the FDA for particular use.
People having heart ailment are generally advised to consume 1 gram (1000 milligrams) everyday of a combination DHA/EPA from fish oil.
People having few health conditions might consume doses of nearly 4 grams daily – though only under a doctor’s care.
The most prevalent side effects of fish oil are gas and indigestion. Taking a supplement carrying a coating may help.
Omega-3 supplements (DHA/EPA) can increase probability of bleeding. If you carry a bleeding disorder – or consume medicines that might aggravate bleeding, such as apixaban (Eliquis), chopidogrel (Plavix), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), warfarin (Coumadin), and few NSAIDs – consult a physician before utilizing any omega-3 supplements.
Omega-3 fatty acids offer a host of health advantages and boost your cardiovascular health. Its inclusion in your diet raises the “good cholesterol”, decreases liver fat, promotes mental wellness, combats inflammation and reduces blood pressure, besides offering essential benefits for your brain, heart and metabolism. These essential fats must be consumed from your diet as they are a significant component of human cell membrane and perform an array of health functions.
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Sujata Sanyal
Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?