How Girls Should Deal With Arrange Marriage Rejections?
This post was last updated on January 24th, 2025

One of the most disappointing and hurtful arranged marriage blues is getting rejected by someone with whom you had started weaving your future dreams and hopes, that gets shattered due to some stupid, dumb and ridiculous reasons. These stupid ridiculous reasons are mostly found in our country India that are dowry demand, family background, family status, complexion, physical factors and some miscellaneous factors.
Especially for girls who are very sensitive and emotional, it becomes very tough to get their life back on track after getting rejected from a potential candidate. Yeah, it’s heart breaking to get rejected by someone which makes you question on your own individuality, self-worth and identity. That moment after being rejected feels like there’s no ground under your feet and you are devastated and ruined into small tiny chunks. I remember, I cried for 8 days exactly and was silent, lifeless and slow for one month. I was breathing, eating, sleeping but I felt like I was surviving, not living. Everything around me was no good, attractive, vibrant and life inducing to me.
Yes, rejection is disheartening, heart shattering that leaves your mind, heart and soul totally shaken. A very famous quote, “Clouds may come, but clouds must go, and they all have a silver lining. For behind each cloud you know, the sun, or moon, is shining.” If there’s a huge wave of sorrow in your life then you’re expecting to get hit by a big happy surprise. Getting rejected by someone is totally not a big deal and not the end of the world.
Let’s get to the ways of how girls should deal with arrange marriage rejections.
1. Let your grief and tears flow out
Never hold your tears and grief inside your eyes and heart. It is good to cry louder and let the pain flow out making your mind, heart and soul feel relieved. Holding in your grief only makes your heart heavy and miserable. Cry all your pain out till you feel better.
2. Absorb the pain, don’t flaunt
It’s true that you can’t cry continuously for 2-3 months. It’s not possible to cry all time. You need to absorb the pain but try not to show it on your face and your behaviour. It will make you feel weak and devastated.
3. Accept the truth with dignity
Accept the bloody truth that someone has rejected you and that was his loss, not yours. The stupid reason for which he rejected you was his unworthiness. Try to be matured and carry yourself with every single broken piece of yourself with full dignity and self-esteem.
4. Be active socially
The best way to deal with arranged marriage rejection is getting more active socially be it meeting new people and friends personally or meeting and chatting with them on social networking sites. Spend more time with friends, don’t look for solitude. Solitude will haunt you but friends will make you feel comfortable.
5. You’re not the only one
Yeah, you have got the pain and your life seems lifeless, valueless and colourless but are you the only one in such pain? There are many people who are living their life in pain without any complaints. You have to strong enough to get back to your life.
6. Express your feeling to loved ones
If you don’t feel comfortable, or you feel hurtful and restless talk to your loved ones. Express your feelings they will soothe you and will show you many life aspects that will make you feel at peace.
7. Look for a positive side
Be positive. Yes, look for the positive side of your situation. You got rejected by a dumbass fellow but got more time to enjoy your single life with friends and your family. You can study more, work more and party hard. No one could bind you within responsibilities and regulations. You are still a free bird honey! Isn’t this an amazing way to deal with arranged marriage rejections?
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8. Talk to your parents
Now you’re mentally disturbed and stressed. Talk to your parents about your life goals and plannings. You need some or more time to get over this or you want to study more or want to work, whatever discuss with your parents.
9. Focus on your present
Your present, you can’t ignore that due to your stupid past for some stupid person. Your present is about family, friends, study, work, passion, ambition, goals and you.
10. Pursue your passion
Whatever is your passion, writing, singing, painting, exploring new places, working for social cause just pursue that passion that makes you the real you, that makes you feel more than you. Because you are way more than what you really are.
11. Work on yourself
Work on yourself, improve your personality, workout, look your best, be fit and sexy, be happy and smart full of humour and especially positive. Because positivity attracts every positive thing towards you.
12. Believe in yourself
You are your daddy’s brave girl. You are your mom’s favourite. Your parents, friends, family believe in you and you have to start believe in yourself. You are a wonderful, strong, confident, beautiful, charming, loving, kind and fabulous personality. Yes, you are. So, don’t even waste your valuable time, energy, thoughts and tears on such rubbish and bullshit person and his rejection. Be confident and bold and respect your self-esteem.
13. Whatever happens, happens for good
Positive thinking isn’t about expecting the best to happen every time but, accepting that whatever happens is the best for the present moment. Everything that happens in your life, good or bad, happens for a reason. God has always some best plan for you. And what you lose was actually never meant for you. Always believe, there’s something somewhere best waiting for you.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.