If you are lucky, you will never have to turn to the state for financial help. You will remain healthy and find employment that pays enough to cover your day-to-day expenses.
But, unfortunately, things can and do go wrong. When that happens, your friends and family can help out, at least for a while. But, at some point, you may have to turn to the state to claim some of the benefits that are in place. If you should find yourself in that situation, navigating your way through the claims system is rarely easy. Here are some ways you can make it easier and places to get help.
Use online benefits calculators
You can try using a VA calculator or a general benefits calculator to try to work out what you are entitled to. If the tool you have been using has been put together well and is properly maintained, they can help a lot.
But, you should only use them as a guide. They can only give you some idea of the kinds of benefits you could apply for and a rough idea of how much you may be able to claim.
State-run websites
While you are online, also check out the official state-run websites. In many countries, they are excellent sources of information. But, in others, what you need to know to make your claim is buried deep in the fine print.
If, after trying official channels, you are still stuck it is time to turn to other sources of information. Top of the list is charity organizations.
They can provide you with a wealth of information. But, you need to choose the right one. Again, the internet is the best way to find those that can actually help you.
If you have an illness, for example, cancer, search for charities that way. Usually, the websites you find will have a welfare section. You can also write to them. It may even be possible to sit down and chat with someone about your specific situation. They may even work alongside you to make your claim.
Importantly, the information you can get from these sources is virtually guaranteed to be up to date. This means that you should be able to navigate the benefits system quickly and effectively. Here is an example of the type of website you need to look for.
Religious and community organizations
Followers of most religions are required to help others. Many of them take this seriously and volunteer. So, it is always worth reaching out to your local church, mosque or temple. Even if they cannot help, they will often be able to point you towards someone who can.
Others who are in your situation
Other people that are in a similar situation to you can also be a good source of help. You could speak to people face-to-face or again turn to the internet. Forums and Facebook groups are particularly good sources of information.