21 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Pain Without Medicines
This post was last updated on February 6th, 2025

Pain is your body’s own way of reacting to injury or illness. Everybody reacts to pain in different ways and has different rate quotient which varies from person to person. Pain can be caused due to injury, surgery, illness or a disease. But, sometimes you may have pain because you are not moving that specific body part and sometimes there is no clear reason for your pain. Recently, I went for my regular check-up and there my doctor said a nice true fact. He said that the pain is perceived by our brain. And to get rid of pain you need to distract your mind, then you are less likely to feel the pain anymore.
However, that doesn’t mean you will have to avoid the chronic pain in your body, actually to be practical you can’t avoid serious and unbearable pain that can hamper the simplest of activities. Body pain is either temporary or remains obstinate. People opt for medicines for instant pain relief but pain reoccurs after some time. But there are several ways to overcome body pain without medicines and drugs too. Mostly, due to sedentary lifestyle people prefer medications which in long run becomes the root causes for other disease as well. To avoid those short-term and long-term side effects we should prefer natural ways to overcome body pain as they are beneficial over medications. These methods are capable of healing your body pain permanently and keep your body fit.
Let’s have a close look on the effectual ways to get rid of pain without medications.
1. Relax your mind
When you feel pain, it always starts in the mind. The brain is the first to perceive the pain initially. So, to wipe out pain, you need to calm down and soothe your mind. When your mind is relaxed and composed, you will start feeling the pain reducing in the body.
2. Have some green tea
Drink green tea. The antioxidants present in green tea helps to reduce any kind of inflammation around the painful areas by eliminating pain and aches.
3. Yoga and meditation
As we all know yoga reduces stress and helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular yoga practice helps to get relief from body pain permanently. It is especially beneficial for people suffering from severe migraines, arthritis and low back pain. Meditation has got a strong analogy with quick pain relieving process. It is one of the best natural methods to get rid of pain without medicines.
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4. Morning exercise
Exercising in the morning is a great way to kick start your day. When you exercise in the morning, your body becomes active and tries to reduce the pain in that specific area. On performing certain exercises, your body becomes flexible and immune to pain.
5. Sip on Apple Cider Vinegar
Sipping on few drops of apple cider vinegar is another way to relief from pain. It’s scientifically proved that vinegar helps to calm the nerves and thus, increases the flow of blood in the inflamed area to reduce the pain.
6. Drink cold milk
To eliminate physical pain without medications, you can try simple cold milk. When you feel gastric in your tummy and even when ginger doesn’t work to soothe your stomach, sip on some cold milk. The cold milk will help to reduce pain in your stomach and removes the gas in your system.
7. Right posture
To avoid pain killers and drugs, everyone should strictly follow maintaining the right posture. Wrong sitting posture while working on computer, or on bed or couch can give you neck & shoulder pain, back pain and migraine. Try to keep your backbone straight while working.
8. Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy has evolved from in China. This unique and effective ancient needle therapy is one of the amazing method to get rid of pain effortlessly. This drug-free treatment is better to be done in acupuncture clinics. Acupuncture is grounded on the belief that life forces move through the body in specific paths and these paths are called meridians. With acupuncture, a needle is pricked into the meridian that runs to the area where you have pain and the needle blocks the meridian which stops or reduces the pain.
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9. Aroma oils
Another effective way to overcome body pain without any medication followed from the ancient times is using aroma oils extracts from various medicinal plants to treat pain which is also known as aroma-therapy.
10. Body massage
Massage is often used to relax your body. Gentle massage on your back, shoulders, and neck can be more effective to treat pain. Massaging body has been proven extremely beneficial and is one of the natural methods to relieve body pain without medicines and drugs. Massaging activates better blood circulation, relieves strain from muscles and nerves.
11. Fruit berries
Fruit berries are always ideal and recommended to include in your diet to get relief from body pain. Adequate and proper balanced diet is an innate component in to eliminate body pain without medicines.
12. Heat and cold therapy
Both cold and heat therapy can help reduce some types of postoperative and usual pain. Some types of pain get healed using cold while other types of pain alleviate most with heat. Physicians can instruct you whether cold or hot packs will help your pain. Heat therapy is very effective in treating body pain as it elevates the oxygen and nutrient flow immediately.
13. Get exposed to sunlight
Deficiency of vitamin D causes body pain especially in bones. The best source of vitamin D is Sun and exposure to early sunlight for 20-30 minutes is a good way to overcome body pain. Sun rays after the noon becomes harmful as it comes with UV rays which could damage your skin.
14. Distract yourself
Distraction is an amazing way to get rid of pain as it compels you to focus your attention on something else other than pain. Playing cards or games, talking, watching movies, painting, visiting with family etc. might relax you and keep you away from thinking about the pain. Watching TV or reading books are also helpful.
15. Music therapy
It doesn’t matter whether you listen to music, sing, croon or play an instrument. Music in any form increases your blood flow to the brain and helps you take in more air, more oxygen. It boosts your energy and helps to improve your mood. Music may also cause your brain to release endorphins which further reduces and eliminates pain.
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16. Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is a method that teaches you to display pictures in your mind that will make the pain less intense. With guided imagery, you learn to change the way your body feels and responds to pain. In short, it distracts you.
17. Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy is a gentle water exercise program that strengthens your muscles that are not injured decreasing inflammation (pain and swelling).
18. Physical theraphy
This method can be helpful with pain that was caused due to not moving one part of your body or after surgery or an accident which in result gets numb and lifeless. The therapy includes the exercises of stretching the muscles and making them stronger around the injured area can to help the pain go away.
19. Relaxation and Biofeedback
This technique helps your body to respond in a different way to the stress and anxiety of being in pain. Usually, when pain initiates the body reacts by tensing muscles, increasing heartbeat, and soaring blood pressure. Your breathing pattern also gets faster and more shallow. These reactions and effects can make the pain much worse. Relaxation and biofeedback therapy helps make the pain less by changing these responses by using a biofeedback machine so that you know right away when your body gets relaxed.
20. Self-hypnosis
Self-hypnosis is a way to alter your level of awareness which means that by focusing your attention you can get rid of pain. You make yourself prone to suggestions like ignoring the pain or seeing the pain in a positive way. Hypnosis can give long-lasting pain relief without affecting your normal activities and better control of your body.
21. Rest
Resting is the best method to reduce and stop feeling pain. When you stop doing specific activities that cause pain you obviously stop feeling the pain. This technique decrease stress and pain and gives you enought time to heal.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.