10 Fun Things You Must Try In Monsoon
Monsoon is the season of love for many and season of dirt and insects for some. But monsoon will be the same forever either making you happy, excited or irritated and disgusted. Every season has its own charm and has got a particular way of enjoying the climate. Instead of avoiding dirt and mud being disgusted, you can start enjoying monsoon in a different and fun way that might make you happy and excited for the next monsoon. For the people who wish to make most out of the monsoon, here are the best fun things to try in every monsoon. Well, you are most welcome to add of your own creative fun thing if you want to. Let’s get started!
1. Walking in and feeling the rain
The best way of enjoying the monsoon is feeling each drops on your skin along with the cooling effect of the light breeze. Walking and getting completely drenched in rain is an amazing fun way that not only gives you happiness but also a feeling of contentment in your deep down. So next time when it rains, get out of your sweet home and get wet completely feeling every drop on your skin and soul.
2. Sailing paper boats in water pools
Making your childhood memories more clear and colourful you can try those literally fun things when it rains. Monsoons in India will surely bring you small water pools everywhere and you can enjoy any one of it but keeping yourself safe is important too.
3. Having a steaming cup of tea with pakoras
What can be more enjoyable than a cup of hot tea with a plate of delicious hot pakoras made by your mom or spouse. When it’s monsoon, a cup of tea with bhajias or pakoras are simply traditional and everyone loves it. Personally, it’s my fun thing when it rains outside.
4. Going on a long drive with a special one
Monsoon is the perfect time for getting ready to go on a long drive with the special person of your life. Long drives with perfect slow pace music with rain drops sliding down randomly from the window glasses are the best ever experiences of monsoon one can have. Well, it’s more like a memorable thing but you might have some fun later definitely.
Also read: Useful Monsoon Life Hacks
5. Playing football outside with best buddies
Football and rain have a very strong and old relationship which is always enjoyed by everyone. Call your best buddies and start a football match outside getting completely soggy in rain water which is the best and exciting fun thing one can enjoy in monsoon.
6. Planning a weekend getaway
So monsoon’s knocking at your door and you’re in no mood of working like a donkey. Get a break and plan a super exciting weekend getaway with your friends to have some fun and enjoy some real sports like trekking, river rafting and paragliding.
7. Organizing a monsoon party at home
Partying hard while it rains hard is an amazing fun way to enjoy monsoon. Call your friends and buddies arrange a party with some drinks and eatables to enjoy rain dance on some rocking tracks.
8. Making intense love with your partner
You can say it a fun as well as a romantic thing to experience and enjoy when monsoon hits you. Monsoon is the season of love itself and making intense and deep love with your partner or spouse is the best way to enjoy rain outside your doors and windows.
9. Sitting with a cup of coffee and a novel
Get yourself completely detached from all devices and technology until it’s emergency. Make yourself a cup of coffee and get comfortable on your couch to read your favourite novel or a book you love to read. Love the silence and try to enjoy the music of nature with rain drops, water falling everywhere and gliding down your windows.
Recommended: Top 10 Foods You Would Love To Enjoy In Monsoon
10. Tuning into old songs and cooking a hot delicious dish
Another super fun thing you can try in monsoon is cooking at your home. Tune in to some old songs if you’re a Mohd Rafi fan or you can play the Kishore Kumar selectives while you go cooking something really delicious to enjoy the steaming food in the chilling cold weather.
Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.