As technology progresses, the concerns and risks associated with it become more prevalent as well. Ensuring that we stay safe while we are online is one of the most important aspects of using the web today.
Sometimes it can be far too late before you realize that a ransomware attack has occurred. But there are signs to be aware of so that you can know when something like this has taken place and know the steps to take to prevent them from happening again in the future. So here are four signs that you have been the victim of a ransomware attack.
A Splash Screen
Perhaps the most obvious sign that a ransomware attack has begun is that there will be a splash screen when you start your computer. This splash screen will actually prevent you from using your system in any way, shape, or form.
When the splash screen has presented itself, there will then be instructions from the person orchestrating the attack. These will often be how to pay in order to restore access to data or the entirety of the machine itself.
Files That Won’t Open
There may come a time where you are trying to access files and realize that you can’t get into them. The problem is that it will produce an error message that will indicate that you are a victim of ransomware: “Windows can’t open this file.”
Windows will then tell you that you need a program that is used to specifically open that file. This is an indication that your system has been compromised and important documents have been restricted from your use.
Depending on the importance of these documents, it could be quite expensive to get the person doing this to allow you access to those files.
Missing File Extensions
For those who aren’t the most tech-savvy, there are letters at the end of a file that indicate what kind of extension it is. The most common are .doc (word), .pdf, .jpeg (pictures), and .exe.
Files that have been encrypted by ransomware will oftentimes have different types of file extensions. There can also be instances where the file extensions are missing completely. This isn’t always an indication that there is a problem but it can be a pretty good indicator that your system has been compromised.
Instructions That Have Appeared
The most obvious indication that you have experienced a ransomware attack is if there are instructions on your screen telling you how to pay to access your files. The entire point of ransomware is to get money for the files that you want to access. For serious cases, you should contact a cyber security expert like Cytelligence who has experience and knowledge dealing with ransomware.
There may be files entitled “OPEN ME” or something just as obvious so that you will open it and read the instructions. There can also be instructions on your splash screen that indicate how to pay. In any event, this is the last sign and your system has been infected.
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